"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "-(Jeremiah 29:11)
I know that God has a purpose for our lives. He has designated a purpose in us all, individually and corporately. I wake every day to recall immediately with ardent passion, my purpose. I reflect and meditate upon the complexity and depth of that focal purpose, seeking to hear His direction. You see, just as I recognize that God has a purpose for us all, individually and corporately, I also know that God has a PLAN. KNOWING His plan will be the key ingredient in the manifestation and fulfillment of all of our purposes.
How do we hear His plan? We must bathe in His presence daily, growing in our relationship seeking His Will and receiving His maps and directions. In Isaiah, he prophetically speaks of the Holy Spirit saying "Whether your turn to the right or left, there will be a voice in your ears behind you saying 'This is the way, go in it'."-(Isaiah 32:21) We must listen for the HOLY SPIRIT. It is against my better judgement to go into the details involved in the cacophony of our over-stimulated environmental conditions, and how challenging it is to get to the quiet necessary to hear clearly. The answer to battling against the culture and pace of the world, is to get alone, however you must, with God and BE STILL. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."-John 10:27 Hearing the Master's Will is not something we will usually have success with when we are overwhelmed in the midst of distractions.
When we are operating in God's plans, we are in His Will. When we embrace His directions and dedicate our lives to serving Him and staying under His covering, God grants us an incredible gift. Under His Covering, walking in the direction and steps of His Plans, we receive the benefits of PROVISION, PROTECTION, PROMOTION, PROMISE and POWER. In following the anointed steps which the Comforter specifies, we are cared for, protected, promoted into new levels of responsibility and given greater promises for our future, all the while being provided for and given the power to overcome whatever obstacles stand in the way of God's Design.
Life is a collection of seasons. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."-(Ecclesiastes 3:1) When we falter and sometimes miss the direction briefing for the current season, we are missing the specific stratagem needed to remain under that covering of protection and blessing. I have found myself at times holding onto a previous season. When the glory of the Lord moved in those seasons, we must not attempt to make them last past their due time. In holding onto the last season and not actively seeking God's orchestration for the new season, we prolong the time between seasons. God cannot move with us, for us or through us without our obedient response to His specifications. When we are disobedient and fall from under His covering, we miss the providing, protecting, promoting, promising, powerful God who WANTS to see us reach our absolute potential and bear fruit for His Kingdom.
Pastors Brian and Jeni Stivale travel the globe spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering with signs and wonders following through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Their ministry of preaching, teaching, prophetic, and worship reaches millions throughout the world via Churches, Conferences, Internet and Television. www.StivaleMinistries.org
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
LISTEN... Part 1
Holy Spirit,
plans desire,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Conquering the Tragedy of Self-Mystification
When I was fairly young and impressionable, one of my peers told me "You have the Devil in you." At first I chuckled uncomfortably at what I was hoping was a jest, but he stoically repeated himself "You have the Devil in You." When I pressed him for further explanation, he explained to me that I was not going to be a very positive influence on the world, and would more than likely not be able to do anything about it. In lieu of the fact that this person was very important to me, and I looked to them for a great deal of influence and guidance, I was devastated. Instead of shrugging off what was a sick joke, I absorbed that prognostication of a dark and hell-bound future. I received it as one would a word of encouragement, but in absolute reverse. Years passed, development continued, and I found myself reflecting in some pivotal moments of my latter childhood gravitating to the thoughts of having "the Devil in me". In my teen years I made some terribly stupid, arrogant and rash decisions and although I knew in my unsaved soul that they were the fool's path to destruction, I recalled those words once again... And somehow allowed the mistakes and missteps to fall into a file marked: "Devil In Me". I carried that brand into my young adulthood where I continued on being a sinner, making more paramount mistakes and laying milestones of idiotic behavior all whilest I wore the brand as a badge of accepted identity. I actually believed as Huckleberry Finn said "If I'm goin' to Hell, I might as well go whole hog!". I used to tell people that "I have a parking spot reserved in Hell". While I didn't join a cult, or become a Satanist, neither did I believe that God had his hand on me. And I was angry about that.
My testimony is a full-fledged book, but this instance represents one of the typical tools that the adversary uses with all of us: Self-Condemnation rooted in Self-Mystification. The enemy uses rhetoric or "mystification" through words, delivered or even thought regarding our human condition in an attempt to destroy us using our perception as the poison. The use of mystification in the literary sense is the use of language to deceive others or to disguise the conditions of our social existence. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."-(Proverbs 18:21) Did you know while God has a plan for your life, Satan also has a plan for your life? While God wants you to receive His grace, mercy and love through the saving blood of Jesus Christ, the enemy wants you to receive his condemnation, punishment and hatred through the grand deception of self-condemnation.
Jesus tells us in John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." What does Satan seek to destroy more than any other idea or posession? Our faith. Our power of belief. If he can destroy our hope, he has already sown the seed of self-destruction that will inevitably lead to our eternal demise. What is more, he has also undoubtably sown the contagion that will lead to the destruction of others on an exponential level. Don't believe me? Take a deep look at the people responsible for sowing words like the one I received as a child and I assure you that behind their intention or motive lies another person spreading the lies of the enemy through to them. It is a satanic cycle, and just as the enemy is a counterfeiter and perverter of all of God's glory and grace, he is also a counterfeiter and perverter of multiplication. It is like a disease. One word has the potential to kill or bring life. However, that word has no future, or power if we are equipped to break it.
Although my cycle of self-perpetuated destruction was driving a cliff's edge at a raging speed with almost no control, there was still the little boy clutching to grab the wheel saying "Wait!! I know there is more than that!! It can't be true!" And after a long, arduous and dangerous journey to find a glimmer of hope, I found Jesus. Moreover, He had been waiting for me to realize that He was there all the while, to break those words, to correct the wrong and destroy the enemy's hold on my life and purpose. He was waiting there to give me life... and life more abundant.
I learned that "His grace is sufficient." I broke through and God is now using that which the enemy meant for evil against him. I have even forgiven the peer whose words I perpetuated and watered. In spite of the past, I love them still and pray for their breakthrough daily.
But what can we, who know and believe do for those who struggle, oftentimes in silent invisibility, diagnosed with an "incurable disease of self-perpetuated destruction"? We can do what the Lord tells us to and build people up. Truly edify them. Let the Holy Spirit guide their growth and conditioning, while we LOVE ANOTHER. We truly do have the potent power of death and life in our words. I love Cervantes' legendary literary hero Don Quixote de la Mancha. I have been privileged to play the role on stage and learned a great deal about this very subject through that experience. In the book, Don Quixote is a "knight-errant" roaming the countryside seeking to right the wrongs of those that would cause harm and evil, and any who defile the name of his beloved "Dulcinea". Now, bearing in mind that the man is somewhat mad, and the age was not one of knights, wizards, giants or chivalry, he lived life "not as it is, but as it SHOULD be". The Lady Dulcinea was in reality a scullery maid of ill-repute who was a victim of self-mystification and condemnation. But he did not see her as, treat her as, or speak to her as such. He spoke life to her. And his words truly transformed her into "Dulcinea" healing her wounds and restoring her HOPE.
That is who we should be through the power of Christ and His blood. The way to break the mystification of the enemy is through the power of blessed, edifying positive confession. Speak LIFE. And if you find today that you have been struggling with this issue- Know that Jesus is waiting for you, to call you by your true name and His words will truly transform you into who you are meant to be, healing your wounds and restoring YOUR HOPE.
My testimony is a full-fledged book, but this instance represents one of the typical tools that the adversary uses with all of us: Self-Condemnation rooted in Self-Mystification. The enemy uses rhetoric or "mystification" through words, delivered or even thought regarding our human condition in an attempt to destroy us using our perception as the poison. The use of mystification in the literary sense is the use of language to deceive others or to disguise the conditions of our social existence. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."-(Proverbs 18:21) Did you know while God has a plan for your life, Satan also has a plan for your life? While God wants you to receive His grace, mercy and love through the saving blood of Jesus Christ, the enemy wants you to receive his condemnation, punishment and hatred through the grand deception of self-condemnation.
Jesus tells us in John 10:10 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." What does Satan seek to destroy more than any other idea or posession? Our faith. Our power of belief. If he can destroy our hope, he has already sown the seed of self-destruction that will inevitably lead to our eternal demise. What is more, he has also undoubtably sown the contagion that will lead to the destruction of others on an exponential level. Don't believe me? Take a deep look at the people responsible for sowing words like the one I received as a child and I assure you that behind their intention or motive lies another person spreading the lies of the enemy through to them. It is a satanic cycle, and just as the enemy is a counterfeiter and perverter of all of God's glory and grace, he is also a counterfeiter and perverter of multiplication. It is like a disease. One word has the potential to kill or bring life. However, that word has no future, or power if we are equipped to break it.
Although my cycle of self-perpetuated destruction was driving a cliff's edge at a raging speed with almost no control, there was still the little boy clutching to grab the wheel saying "Wait!! I know there is more than that!! It can't be true!" And after a long, arduous and dangerous journey to find a glimmer of hope, I found Jesus. Moreover, He had been waiting for me to realize that He was there all the while, to break those words, to correct the wrong and destroy the enemy's hold on my life and purpose. He was waiting there to give me life... and life more abundant.
I learned that "His grace is sufficient." I broke through and God is now using that which the enemy meant for evil against him. I have even forgiven the peer whose words I perpetuated and watered. In spite of the past, I love them still and pray for their breakthrough daily.
But what can we, who know and believe do for those who struggle, oftentimes in silent invisibility, diagnosed with an "incurable disease of self-perpetuated destruction"? We can do what the Lord tells us to and build people up. Truly edify them. Let the Holy Spirit guide their growth and conditioning, while we LOVE ANOTHER. We truly do have the potent power of death and life in our words. I love Cervantes' legendary literary hero Don Quixote de la Mancha. I have been privileged to play the role on stage and learned a great deal about this very subject through that experience. In the book, Don Quixote is a "knight-errant" roaming the countryside seeking to right the wrongs of those that would cause harm and evil, and any who defile the name of his beloved "Dulcinea". Now, bearing in mind that the man is somewhat mad, and the age was not one of knights, wizards, giants or chivalry, he lived life "not as it is, but as it SHOULD be". The Lady Dulcinea was in reality a scullery maid of ill-repute who was a victim of self-mystification and condemnation. But he did not see her as, treat her as, or speak to her as such. He spoke life to her. And his words truly transformed her into "Dulcinea" healing her wounds and restoring her HOPE.
That is who we should be through the power of Christ and His blood. The way to break the mystification of the enemy is through the power of blessed, edifying positive confession. Speak LIFE. And if you find today that you have been struggling with this issue- Know that Jesus is waiting for you, to call you by your true name and His words will truly transform you into who you are meant to be, healing your wounds and restoring YOUR HOPE.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Don't Go Back to Egypt
"...Were it not better for us to return to Egypt?"-(Numbers 14:3)
The words issued from the mouths and hearts of rebellious Israelites freed from their 400 year bondage represent a grave danger in the life of a child of God. The danger is looking back in conditioned, romanticized remembrance of the very situation we pray and ask God to deliver us from, only to regress. This is a situation that the Lord would not have us repeat. If God delivers us from sin, and transforms us into "new creations" we are not to even look back. Jesus tells the man who asks to first go back and say goodbye to his family before following Him "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."-(Luke 9:62)
God shows us the importance of not even glancing back toward that which we have been delivered from through the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah when Lot's wife chooses to look back at what they were leaving: "But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."-(Genesis 19:26) Why does this happen? How is it possible that we can have such incredible, supernatural events split the fabric of time and space through the very hand of God to deliver, heal, save or redeem us, and our reaction is often to turn back to that from which we have been removed?
My beloved bride are tremendously blessed to have witnessed firsthand many incredible supernatural healings. I remember fairly recently at one of our meetings with Pastor Benny Hinn, a woman who had a painful, crippling condition for more than 20 years. That day was her day for a miracle. She came in faith to the meeting, and God most certainly met her there, and healed her. It was incredible to see the joy in her countenance when she gave her testimony of what the Lord had done for her. Tears of glorious appreciation and sincere awe that the King of Kings would deliver her out of her bodily affliction captivated her persona. She literally "jumped for joy". As the line of testimonies continued on, the woman walked of her own strength down from the platform and proceeded to pass the line of discarded walkers, wheelchairs and crutches, and in hesitation, stopped to fetch her old wheelchair from the apron of the stage. And then, after looking thoughtfully at it for a moment, sat back down in it and triggered the controls to begin wheeling back to her seat. I was baffled. She was absolutely healed. Not only did we and the rest of the ministry team witness it, but the entire gathering of over 9,000 did as well. Pastor Benny was taken aback. He interrupted those who were being interviewed for their healing and called her out. "What on earth are you doing?" No response. "Why is that woman back in her wheelchair?" She kept on motoring along... I prayerfully asked God the same question, and immediately heard in my spirit: "She is going back to Egypt".
As incredulous as it may be, that is the plight of so many who receive long-awaited deliverances, healings, breakthroughs and supernatural provisions from the Lord. Which leads me once again to the familiar and imperative 'Why?'- Why would anyone who has suffered any plight that only the Lord could remove return to it? "Like a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to their folly."-(Proverbs 26:11) But is it concious folly when one returns to their condition of imprisonment? I believe that when some return to certain sins, particularly sins of the flesh that create short-term seasonal pleasure, it is strictly out of addictive bondage to that pleasure. But the same principle exists on the opposite end of logic. Take for instance those who have spent enough time in prison to become institutionalized. They may see the light of freedom again, but oftentimes they long to return to the routine and (albeit inconceivable) comfort of the 6'x8' cell that they inhabited during their penalization. Another possibility for one's attempt to return to bondage is the comfort of victimized living. Rather than having to tend for oneself, there are those who either fear developing or re-developing self-sufficiency or simply wish to be served out of their condition, and therefore become "permanent victims". It is often fear... fear of the unknown, or fear of being uncomfortable that drives the reversion; And fear is a disease. In any case, the true reasoning is spiritually hindered, flesh-feeding (and in some cases), demonized oppression, but it all boils down to COMFORT.
There is a morbid comfort of the flesh found in the prison bars, the sick bed, the wheelchair or the addiction that literally holds some people captive. It is familiar, and therefore, (in a completely self-decaying capacity) it is a predictable magnetic force for return. "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."-(Matthew 26:41) It is in the weakness of our flesh that we can be defeated. It is in the frailty of the human condition that we revert to our captive state. Jesus identified that in the Garden of Gethsemane when he warned Peter, John and James as they were falling asleep to "Watch and Pray, so that you do not fall into temptation." Their spirits were willing, but their flesh was weak. Jesus knew that in order to conquer those situations where the flesh could turn back, it is imperative that we connect completely to the spirit man. Our flesh is incapable of holding onto deliverance, redemption, healing and the miraculous. But while the flesh inevitably fails, the spirit is eternally victorious through Christ. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."-(Zechariah 4:6)
It is one of the adversary's greatest weapons of deception to manipulate us into thinking that we are responsible in the flesh or mind to hold onto the gifts and callings of the Lord. But that is a lie. What is more, that is a transparent confusion of the will of God for those under the covenant of Abraham, and as believers through Jesus Christ we also share the bounty of that same covenant. "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."-(Romans 11:29) Which leads us back to the wandering Israelites... How is it that they did not receive the Promised Land within the first generation that left the bondage and reproach of Egypt? Perhaps a better question would be- How is it that the children of Israel disregarded the immediate witness of the plagues over Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the utter destruction of the Horse and Riders of Egypt, the pillar of fire by night, and the cloud of smoke by day, the manna and the quail, the water from the rocks? How is it possible that even after crying out unto God for generations to send deliverance, in rebellion they moaned and complained that they wished to return to the same bondage they had been delivered from?
The answer is defined in one word: Faith. It takes FAITH to hold onto the promise, healing, deliverance or blessing. It takes the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen to receive that which God supernaturally grants us. "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."-(Hebrews 11:6) It takes the faith of Joshua and Caleb to look into the Promised Land and while the other spys return with reports of negativity and fear of defeat and say "Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it."-(Numbers 13:30)
There is a great lyric in the hymn "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" that goes: "I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, No turning back..." So as you go forth through the journey of this beautiful, wonderous faith- Do not turn back, and when you receive "IT", DON'T GO BACK TO EGYPT.
The words issued from the mouths and hearts of rebellious Israelites freed from their 400 year bondage represent a grave danger in the life of a child of God. The danger is looking back in conditioned, romanticized remembrance of the very situation we pray and ask God to deliver us from, only to regress. This is a situation that the Lord would not have us repeat. If God delivers us from sin, and transforms us into "new creations" we are not to even look back. Jesus tells the man who asks to first go back and say goodbye to his family before following Him "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."-(Luke 9:62)
God shows us the importance of not even glancing back toward that which we have been delivered from through the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah when Lot's wife chooses to look back at what they were leaving: "But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."-(Genesis 19:26) Why does this happen? How is it possible that we can have such incredible, supernatural events split the fabric of time and space through the very hand of God to deliver, heal, save or redeem us, and our reaction is often to turn back to that from which we have been removed?
My beloved bride are tremendously blessed to have witnessed firsthand many incredible supernatural healings. I remember fairly recently at one of our meetings with Pastor Benny Hinn, a woman who had a painful, crippling condition for more than 20 years. That day was her day for a miracle. She came in faith to the meeting, and God most certainly met her there, and healed her. It was incredible to see the joy in her countenance when she gave her testimony of what the Lord had done for her. Tears of glorious appreciation and sincere awe that the King of Kings would deliver her out of her bodily affliction captivated her persona. She literally "jumped for joy". As the line of testimonies continued on, the woman walked of her own strength down from the platform and proceeded to pass the line of discarded walkers, wheelchairs and crutches, and in hesitation, stopped to fetch her old wheelchair from the apron of the stage. And then, after looking thoughtfully at it for a moment, sat back down in it and triggered the controls to begin wheeling back to her seat. I was baffled. She was absolutely healed. Not only did we and the rest of the ministry team witness it, but the entire gathering of over 9,000 did as well. Pastor Benny was taken aback. He interrupted those who were being interviewed for their healing and called her out. "What on earth are you doing?" No response. "Why is that woman back in her wheelchair?" She kept on motoring along... I prayerfully asked God the same question, and immediately heard in my spirit: "She is going back to Egypt".
As incredulous as it may be, that is the plight of so many who receive long-awaited deliverances, healings, breakthroughs and supernatural provisions from the Lord. Which leads me once again to the familiar and imperative 'Why?'- Why would anyone who has suffered any plight that only the Lord could remove return to it? "Like a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to their folly."-(Proverbs 26:11) But is it concious folly when one returns to their condition of imprisonment? I believe that when some return to certain sins, particularly sins of the flesh that create short-term seasonal pleasure, it is strictly out of addictive bondage to that pleasure. But the same principle exists on the opposite end of logic. Take for instance those who have spent enough time in prison to become institutionalized. They may see the light of freedom again, but oftentimes they long to return to the routine and (albeit inconceivable) comfort of the 6'x8' cell that they inhabited during their penalization. Another possibility for one's attempt to return to bondage is the comfort of victimized living. Rather than having to tend for oneself, there are those who either fear developing or re-developing self-sufficiency or simply wish to be served out of their condition, and therefore become "permanent victims". It is often fear... fear of the unknown, or fear of being uncomfortable that drives the reversion; And fear is a disease. In any case, the true reasoning is spiritually hindered, flesh-feeding (and in some cases), demonized oppression, but it all boils down to COMFORT.
There is a morbid comfort of the flesh found in the prison bars, the sick bed, the wheelchair or the addiction that literally holds some people captive. It is familiar, and therefore, (in a completely self-decaying capacity) it is a predictable magnetic force for return. "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."-(Matthew 26:41) It is in the weakness of our flesh that we can be defeated. It is in the frailty of the human condition that we revert to our captive state. Jesus identified that in the Garden of Gethsemane when he warned Peter, John and James as they were falling asleep to "Watch and Pray, so that you do not fall into temptation." Their spirits were willing, but their flesh was weak. Jesus knew that in order to conquer those situations where the flesh could turn back, it is imperative that we connect completely to the spirit man. Our flesh is incapable of holding onto deliverance, redemption, healing and the miraculous. But while the flesh inevitably fails, the spirit is eternally victorious through Christ. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."-(Zechariah 4:6)
It is one of the adversary's greatest weapons of deception to manipulate us into thinking that we are responsible in the flesh or mind to hold onto the gifts and callings of the Lord. But that is a lie. What is more, that is a transparent confusion of the will of God for those under the covenant of Abraham, and as believers through Jesus Christ we also share the bounty of that same covenant. "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."-(Romans 11:29) Which leads us back to the wandering Israelites... How is it that they did not receive the Promised Land within the first generation that left the bondage and reproach of Egypt? Perhaps a better question would be- How is it that the children of Israel disregarded the immediate witness of the plagues over Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the utter destruction of the Horse and Riders of Egypt, the pillar of fire by night, and the cloud of smoke by day, the manna and the quail, the water from the rocks? How is it possible that even after crying out unto God for generations to send deliverance, in rebellion they moaned and complained that they wished to return to the same bondage they had been delivered from?
The answer is defined in one word: Faith. It takes FAITH to hold onto the promise, healing, deliverance or blessing. It takes the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen to receive that which God supernaturally grants us. "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."-(Hebrews 11:6) It takes the faith of Joshua and Caleb to look into the Promised Land and while the other spys return with reports of negativity and fear of defeat and say "Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it."-(Numbers 13:30)
There is a great lyric in the hymn "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" that goes: "I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, No turning back..." So as you go forth through the journey of this beautiful, wonderous faith- Do not turn back, and when you receive "IT", DON'T GO BACK TO EGYPT.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Now Faith"
"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."-(Luke 18:17)
Three years and 3 months ago, after ministering at a Leaders and Achievers Conference on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the eldest of my two sons, Gabriel, was receiving a reflexology treatment in my Mother-In-Law's suite across the hall from ours. The Lanai door was open and the air flowing into the common room was a current of Polynesian warmth and humidity. Ours is a family of closely-knit personalities and friendships, and the room even in the midst of his treatment was fairly well populated. When it was finished, Gabriel went to the front door of the room to say goodbye to his aunt and her friend. He was standing with his left arm inside the doorjamb and his petite, five year-old frame holding the 150 pound door open. The winds were particularly gusty that day, creating both a wind-tunnel and a vacuum effect in the main corridor of the suite from the lanai to the front door. As he stood saying his sweet fair-wells, an invisible powerhouse of wind forced the weighty door to slam shut. Gabriel's left arm was broken in two. He shrieked in agony as I had never heard him. It immediately broke our hearts to hear such a sound from our beloved boy. At that point in time, Jeni and I had been the next in line, and were getting our reflexology treatments in the master bedroom. We rounded the corner in an adrenaline infused flash to reach him and comfort him in his distress. In agony he stammered and cried at the top of his lungs. I looked at his arm. It was broken on the forearm and literally hanging the wrong way much like one of those horrific viral videos of sports injuries do. I would normally be disgusted by the sight of something like that, but this was my boy. We had someone call the desk and alert local emergency services. We then had them follow up and send their onsite EMT to the suite. As we carefully laid his broken appendage in a pillow and had someone hold it together acting as a splint, I began to stew and became angered with the negligence of the Hotel. I went into "protective tiger-mode" and started in professing how they should have had a sign that warned of the wind-tunnel vacuous vortex from hell that occurs when the lanai and front door are both open. What is more, I frenetically asked "why do the doors weigh as much as a dungeon gate?"- I was totally in the flesh. The Holy Spirit arrested me. I stopped, looking down into Gabriel's bloodshot and pained eyes, then panning the room it struck me; We are at least 7 believers in this room. We need to pray... NOW. As we were all praying in the Spirit, (which should more than likely freak any little child out) I heard in my spirit- "Tell him to agree". I looked at his face, glazed with tears, and into his eyes. I said "Gabriel, sweetheart, you need to agree with us. Okay?" He gasped and through stuttering tears answered "Okay..." "Say 'I am healed in Jesus' Name'". He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and repeated- "I am healed in Jesus' Name... I am healed in Jesus'..." Before he could utter it a second time completely, we all heard a noticeable "POP!" Looking at each other, the person who was holding the pillow as a splint recounted later that they could not hold it together. At that same moment, it was as if a person was forcing their arms to open the splint. As it was opened, Gabriel stopped crying instantly, lifted his arm up from the pillow and rotated it around. "I'm fine." he declared. We looked at his arm and it was completely whole. It was a miracle. The faith of my child had gained access to the benefits of the blood. We must have seemed like maniacs or hypochondriacs to the EMT who arrived a minute or so later. They examined his arm and saw no sign of breakage. We felt it was wisdom to go directly to the medical center a few miles away at another property for follow-up. Gabriel, whose entire countenance and spirit changed as he was healed said- "Jesus healed me." We did quite a bit of crying ourselves that day, mostly out of thanksgiving and joy for the wonderful gift that our God had provided. We went in and his X-rays were perfect. There was no break. At first, after hearing what had happened, the Doctor seemed dubious of the situation. But upon deep investigation, (they took additional X-rays of his other arm) the only thing they could find was a slight bruising on the area where the door slammed on his arm. He was certifiably, absolutely and completely HEALED.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."-(Psalm 127:3)
Both of our children are miraculous. Literally. I do not say that with careless abandon or with levity, but mean to convey the essence of the miraculous is in their births. Quite truthfully, it is miraculous that either of the two were even conceived. Years ago, my beautiful bride was told by a team of Doctors that the reality of her conceiving a child was, at best, a 3 percent possibility. Within a few weeks, our first child was alive and inhabiting temporary residence in the womb "that the builders rejected". Over the course of the next three months, Jeni, who was working for Sir Cameron Macintosh overseas, continued to perform under medical observation and clearance. The day before her 30th birthday, she was startled by bleeding and felt as though she was losing the baby. The Doctor sent her to the nearest hospital and had her put on immediate bed rest, telling her that it was inevitable that she would lose him. Ironically enough, on her 30th birthday, in a city called HELL, Cayman Islands (absolutely true), she laid prayerfully asking for his life. God delivered. She came home and we carried on with a fairly normal pregnancy after that. In the midst of the second trimester, my mother called us. She had a prophetic dream. In the dream, an angel came and told her that we would have a son, and we were to name him Gabriel. We did. Gabriel Jacob Stivale was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 15, 2002.
"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."-(Luke 18:16)
Two and a half years after Gabriel was born, as we ministered at another conference, we were approached by a self-proclaimed "Prophetess". I state that she was self-proclaimed because I recognize that God appoints men and women to operate in the office of prophet in these latter days (Joel 2:28), but confirms it by exterior means or signs following. In other words, if someone decides autonomously, without the assignment and the anointing of God that they themselves are a Prophet or Prophetess, their fruit will reveal the truth. The aforementioned lady pulled my wife aside to "give her a word". I should also interject here, the importance of WHO you receive prophetic words from, as in many cases, self-fulfillment follows the confession of a belief. She proceeded to tell my bride, that God was "closing her womb" as He wanted her and I to focus entirely on ministry. This did not fit with what the Holy Spirit had revealed to either of us, so it was unsettling. It troubled Jeni and she was confused as to the intention of imparting something of that sort. It is instances just like this that God uses to further confirm His Word. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."-(1 John 4:1) The following day, the same lady approached me while I was mid-conversation with my good friend, Dr. Dave Martin and broke into the conversation by saying "I have a Word from the Lord for you." Dave shot me a look of warning, already seeing in the Spirit that she was not necessarily "all there". She then with the weighty seriousness of Samuel began- "The Lord told me to tell you... You are not charging enough for your CD. You need to charge 2 more dollars." Wow. I was so flabbergasted that God would intercede into that matter prophetically, literally jumping over both Jeni and I that I audibly laughed. She smirked at me and walked away as I "thanked her" for her obedience. Jeni then became pregnant with our next child within a few weeks of that event.
As the God of the 3 percent breakthrough operated His miracle-working power through the same womb that bore our first "Might Warrior of God", our next challenge came. You see, whenever God wants to bring tremendous blessing or growth, the enemy attacks with full force. Our next child, a boy, was diagnosed as a high-risk and we were told that there was a very strong likelihood that he would be Down's Syndrome and low birth weight. The Doctors told us that we needed to have an Amniocentesis performed. It is a fairly dangerous procedure where a large syringe pierces the womb and draws a sample of the amniotic fluid to be tested. They insisted on the test as the "responsible thing to do". When we asked why, we were told that the test results would show us whether the child would be retarded or have birth defects. We asked if they could treat anything if the results were unfavorable, they said coldly, "No, but you would be able to abort." We were appalled and answered immediately with "You don't know our God. And furthermore, if this child is special or normal, we will love him unconditionally." The Ob/Gyn told us that we were "stupid" and "irresponsible". We told her that we were faithful, and more importantly that our God was faithful. Negative report after negative report, we stood upon the Word of God, knowing that Jesus was in control, either way, we held fast. As the week of the scheduled C-section approached, our faith was tested heavily. We stood on the Word. The hour of the operation came, and I sat alone waiting for the procedure as Jeni was in pre-op. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and asked God to bless this child and order his steps. Minutes later, we welcomed Benjamin Ray Stivale in to his adventure. He was heavier than his older brother at birth, and absolutely perfect. They told us over the course of his testing that he was deaf in his right ear, but we prayed for his wholeness, and when we took him into an Audiologist, they found him to be totally whole and pronounced him as such. God is so incredibly faithful. "God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."-(1 Corinthians 1:9)
Our faith was tested and strengthened through all of these events. Jesus proves time and time again that we belong to HIM, and He takes care of His children. But throughout the growth of our boys, we have learned through the miraculous and the mild, they have tremendous, inspiring faith in God. We are so blessed to have had them both dedicated by their now, Step-Grandfather, Bob Harrison, and our beloved friends John Bevere and Dr. Myles Munroe. What an awesome God. What a divine impartation and blessing, and what an awesome future that they are called to in His Kingdom. But the environment and teaching of the Holy Spirit has developed in them both faith that rivals the Generals of the Gospel themselves. They are sown in, grafted into the true vine, and they have learned already that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. They know, even at this young and tender age, that God's promises are true, and that FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS. "For thou, O Lord, art my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth. Upon thee I have leaned from my birth; thou art he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of thee."-(Psalm 71:5-6)
I love their understanding of faith. It is immediate. It is not "instant gratification" but rather "NOW faith". "NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) Our sons have "NOW FAITH". When Benny has an injury or needs prayer, he always completes his prayers (and sometimes amends ours) with "Not tomorrow, not Sunday, but RIGHT NOW. In Jesus' Name". What is impressive is the genuinely immediate action of the Hand of God into these situations. His faith expects "NOW" and God grants it. Gabriel's understanding of the power of faith reaches into his everyday, and it is a direct result of that life-changing experience seeing the immediacy of his healing. That has brought to light in our ministry the same immediacy in Jesus' miracles during His ministry on Earth. There were no indefinite time lapses between the healings themselves and the manifestation. "A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy."-(Matthew 8:2-3) "Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour."-(Matthew 8:13) "As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. -(Mark 1:42) ""Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road."-(Mark 10:52) When we have the faith of a child, it has not been tainted by the qualifications or mystification of the world. It is pure and strong. Our expectation is set upon the immediacy of the manifestation, the truth of God's promises. The Lord Himself teaches us that we must be like children to inherit the Kingdom of God. (Luke 18:17) That most certainly does not mean that we operate as children do, or that we revert in our maturity or development. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."-(1 Corinthians 13:11) We need to loose the shackles of the world and return to the purity of a child's belief. In that regard, we must not necessarily "think" like a child, but rather "BELIEVE" like one in order to please God and activate His promises. My boys are two of my greatest inspirations and along with my bride, are the proof that there is a God, he loves and believes in me and wants me to be blessed. They are, in spite of their age, two of my greatest examples when it comes to understanding true, unadulterated FAITH.
So, whether you have your own miniature anointed progeny or not, perhaps we must all reflect on the obedience and faith of the boy with the fish and the loaves. Give all we have to the Master willingly and whole-heartedly, so He may bless and multiply it immediately with "NOW FAITH". We are, after all, no matter how young or old, His CHILDREN.
Three years and 3 months ago, after ministering at a Leaders and Achievers Conference on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the eldest of my two sons, Gabriel, was receiving a reflexology treatment in my Mother-In-Law's suite across the hall from ours. The Lanai door was open and the air flowing into the common room was a current of Polynesian warmth and humidity. Ours is a family of closely-knit personalities and friendships, and the room even in the midst of his treatment was fairly well populated. When it was finished, Gabriel went to the front door of the room to say goodbye to his aunt and her friend. He was standing with his left arm inside the doorjamb and his petite, five year-old frame holding the 150 pound door open. The winds were particularly gusty that day, creating both a wind-tunnel and a vacuum effect in the main corridor of the suite from the lanai to the front door. As he stood saying his sweet fair-wells, an invisible powerhouse of wind forced the weighty door to slam shut. Gabriel's left arm was broken in two. He shrieked in agony as I had never heard him. It immediately broke our hearts to hear such a sound from our beloved boy. At that point in time, Jeni and I had been the next in line, and were getting our reflexology treatments in the master bedroom. We rounded the corner in an adrenaline infused flash to reach him and comfort him in his distress. In agony he stammered and cried at the top of his lungs. I looked at his arm. It was broken on the forearm and literally hanging the wrong way much like one of those horrific viral videos of sports injuries do. I would normally be disgusted by the sight of something like that, but this was my boy. We had someone call the desk and alert local emergency services. We then had them follow up and send their onsite EMT to the suite. As we carefully laid his broken appendage in a pillow and had someone hold it together acting as a splint, I began to stew and became angered with the negligence of the Hotel. I went into "protective tiger-mode" and started in professing how they should have had a sign that warned of the wind-tunnel vacuous vortex from hell that occurs when the lanai and front door are both open. What is more, I frenetically asked "why do the doors weigh as much as a dungeon gate?"- I was totally in the flesh. The Holy Spirit arrested me. I stopped, looking down into Gabriel's bloodshot and pained eyes, then panning the room it struck me; We are at least 7 believers in this room. We need to pray... NOW. As we were all praying in the Spirit, (which should more than likely freak any little child out) I heard in my spirit- "Tell him to agree". I looked at his face, glazed with tears, and into his eyes. I said "Gabriel, sweetheart, you need to agree with us. Okay?" He gasped and through stuttering tears answered "Okay..." "Say 'I am healed in Jesus' Name'". He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and repeated- "I am healed in Jesus' Name... I am healed in Jesus'..." Before he could utter it a second time completely, we all heard a noticeable "POP!" Looking at each other, the person who was holding the pillow as a splint recounted later that they could not hold it together. At that same moment, it was as if a person was forcing their arms to open the splint. As it was opened, Gabriel stopped crying instantly, lifted his arm up from the pillow and rotated it around. "I'm fine." he declared. We looked at his arm and it was completely whole. It was a miracle. The faith of my child had gained access to the benefits of the blood. We must have seemed like maniacs or hypochondriacs to the EMT who arrived a minute or so later. They examined his arm and saw no sign of breakage. We felt it was wisdom to go directly to the medical center a few miles away at another property for follow-up. Gabriel, whose entire countenance and spirit changed as he was healed said- "Jesus healed me." We did quite a bit of crying ourselves that day, mostly out of thanksgiving and joy for the wonderful gift that our God had provided. We went in and his X-rays were perfect. There was no break. At first, after hearing what had happened, the Doctor seemed dubious of the situation. But upon deep investigation, (they took additional X-rays of his other arm) the only thing they could find was a slight bruising on the area where the door slammed on his arm. He was certifiably, absolutely and completely HEALED.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."-(Psalm 127:3)
Both of our children are miraculous. Literally. I do not say that with careless abandon or with levity, but mean to convey the essence of the miraculous is in their births. Quite truthfully, it is miraculous that either of the two were even conceived. Years ago, my beautiful bride was told by a team of Doctors that the reality of her conceiving a child was, at best, a 3 percent possibility. Within a few weeks, our first child was alive and inhabiting temporary residence in the womb "that the builders rejected". Over the course of the next three months, Jeni, who was working for Sir Cameron Macintosh overseas, continued to perform under medical observation and clearance. The day before her 30th birthday, she was startled by bleeding and felt as though she was losing the baby. The Doctor sent her to the nearest hospital and had her put on immediate bed rest, telling her that it was inevitable that she would lose him. Ironically enough, on her 30th birthday, in a city called HELL, Cayman Islands (absolutely true), she laid prayerfully asking for his life. God delivered. She came home and we carried on with a fairly normal pregnancy after that. In the midst of the second trimester, my mother called us. She had a prophetic dream. In the dream, an angel came and told her that we would have a son, and we were to name him Gabriel. We did. Gabriel Jacob Stivale was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 15, 2002.
"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."-(Luke 18:16)
Two and a half years after Gabriel was born, as we ministered at another conference, we were approached by a self-proclaimed "Prophetess". I state that she was self-proclaimed because I recognize that God appoints men and women to operate in the office of prophet in these latter days (Joel 2:28), but confirms it by exterior means or signs following. In other words, if someone decides autonomously, without the assignment and the anointing of God that they themselves are a Prophet or Prophetess, their fruit will reveal the truth. The aforementioned lady pulled my wife aside to "give her a word". I should also interject here, the importance of WHO you receive prophetic words from, as in many cases, self-fulfillment follows the confession of a belief. She proceeded to tell my bride, that God was "closing her womb" as He wanted her and I to focus entirely on ministry. This did not fit with what the Holy Spirit had revealed to either of us, so it was unsettling. It troubled Jeni and she was confused as to the intention of imparting something of that sort. It is instances just like this that God uses to further confirm His Word. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."-(1 John 4:1) The following day, the same lady approached me while I was mid-conversation with my good friend, Dr. Dave Martin and broke into the conversation by saying "I have a Word from the Lord for you." Dave shot me a look of warning, already seeing in the Spirit that she was not necessarily "all there". She then with the weighty seriousness of Samuel began- "The Lord told me to tell you... You are not charging enough for your CD. You need to charge 2 more dollars." Wow. I was so flabbergasted that God would intercede into that matter prophetically, literally jumping over both Jeni and I that I audibly laughed. She smirked at me and walked away as I "thanked her" for her obedience. Jeni then became pregnant with our next child within a few weeks of that event.
As the God of the 3 percent breakthrough operated His miracle-working power through the same womb that bore our first "Might Warrior of God", our next challenge came. You see, whenever God wants to bring tremendous blessing or growth, the enemy attacks with full force. Our next child, a boy, was diagnosed as a high-risk and we were told that there was a very strong likelihood that he would be Down's Syndrome and low birth weight. The Doctors told us that we needed to have an Amniocentesis performed. It is a fairly dangerous procedure where a large syringe pierces the womb and draws a sample of the amniotic fluid to be tested. They insisted on the test as the "responsible thing to do". When we asked why, we were told that the test results would show us whether the child would be retarded or have birth defects. We asked if they could treat anything if the results were unfavorable, they said coldly, "No, but you would be able to abort." We were appalled and answered immediately with "You don't know our God. And furthermore, if this child is special or normal, we will love him unconditionally." The Ob/Gyn told us that we were "stupid" and "irresponsible". We told her that we were faithful, and more importantly that our God was faithful. Negative report after negative report, we stood upon the Word of God, knowing that Jesus was in control, either way, we held fast. As the week of the scheduled C-section approached, our faith was tested heavily. We stood on the Word. The hour of the operation came, and I sat alone waiting for the procedure as Jeni was in pre-op. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and asked God to bless this child and order his steps. Minutes later, we welcomed Benjamin Ray Stivale in to his adventure. He was heavier than his older brother at birth, and absolutely perfect. They told us over the course of his testing that he was deaf in his right ear, but we prayed for his wholeness, and when we took him into an Audiologist, they found him to be totally whole and pronounced him as such. God is so incredibly faithful. "God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."-(1 Corinthians 1:9)
Our faith was tested and strengthened through all of these events. Jesus proves time and time again that we belong to HIM, and He takes care of His children. But throughout the growth of our boys, we have learned through the miraculous and the mild, they have tremendous, inspiring faith in God. We are so blessed to have had them both dedicated by their now, Step-Grandfather, Bob Harrison, and our beloved friends John Bevere and Dr. Myles Munroe. What an awesome God. What a divine impartation and blessing, and what an awesome future that they are called to in His Kingdom. But the environment and teaching of the Holy Spirit has developed in them both faith that rivals the Generals of the Gospel themselves. They are sown in, grafted into the true vine, and they have learned already that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. They know, even at this young and tender age, that God's promises are true, and that FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS. "For thou, O Lord, art my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth. Upon thee I have leaned from my birth; thou art he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of thee."-(Psalm 71:5-6)
I love their understanding of faith. It is immediate. It is not "instant gratification" but rather "NOW faith". "NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) Our sons have "NOW FAITH". When Benny has an injury or needs prayer, he always completes his prayers (and sometimes amends ours) with "Not tomorrow, not Sunday, but RIGHT NOW. In Jesus' Name". What is impressive is the genuinely immediate action of the Hand of God into these situations. His faith expects "NOW" and God grants it. Gabriel's understanding of the power of faith reaches into his everyday, and it is a direct result of that life-changing experience seeing the immediacy of his healing. That has brought to light in our ministry the same immediacy in Jesus' miracles during His ministry on Earth. There were no indefinite time lapses between the healings themselves and the manifestation. "A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy."-(Matthew 8:2-3) "Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour."-(Matthew 8:13) "As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. -(Mark 1:42) ""Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road."-(Mark 10:52) When we have the faith of a child, it has not been tainted by the qualifications or mystification of the world. It is pure and strong. Our expectation is set upon the immediacy of the manifestation, the truth of God's promises. The Lord Himself teaches us that we must be like children to inherit the Kingdom of God. (Luke 18:17) That most certainly does not mean that we operate as children do, or that we revert in our maturity or development. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."-(1 Corinthians 13:11) We need to loose the shackles of the world and return to the purity of a child's belief. In that regard, we must not necessarily "think" like a child, but rather "BELIEVE" like one in order to please God and activate His promises. My boys are two of my greatest inspirations and along with my bride, are the proof that there is a God, he loves and believes in me and wants me to be blessed. They are, in spite of their age, two of my greatest examples when it comes to understanding true, unadulterated FAITH.
So, whether you have your own miniature anointed progeny or not, perhaps we must all reflect on the obedience and faith of the boy with the fish and the loaves. Give all we have to the Master willingly and whole-heartedly, so He may bless and multiply it immediately with "NOW FAITH". We are, after all, no matter how young or old, His CHILDREN.
Monday, September 6, 2010
He Touched Me
"A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured."-(Mark 1:40-42)
My heart aches for the untouchable. Those whose state has cast them away from the compassion and loving embrace of others. What terrible distance and ostracism they are involuntarily moved to. What a desperate plight, to be rejected and forgotten. The only reaction that would be of warrant as you entered the presence of those you once reveled with is one of repulsion and disownment. Instead of even the most civil of greetings, you receive instead gasps of disgust and the spitting of curses warning you to keep your distance. They despise you. You are absolutely alone. You are driven only out of necessity to seek exile amongst those who also share your plight. Your new environs are a breeding ground for further decay and a waiting area for inevitable death. You never feel the warmth of another's touch, or a reassuring caress again. How dark the hopelessness must be. But in the presence of JESUS... The most incredible compassionate hands reach out, grasp and embrace those who are no longer received by the world. He does not care for the precepts and unspoken laws of man. His hands, His words and His LOVE heals a ll who receive them. What troubles me about this scenario is that WE are those hands, WE are the earthly carriers of His words and His Love. But, the same vessels who carry the power to heal here on earth, are usually amongst the same crowds who reject the leprous.
I recently encountered a situation where someone very dear to me in the faith called regarding a brother, a mutually close friend, who had fallen into a greatly distressing position whereby sin had taken root and was strangling his anointing and stifling his call in the Kingdom. The news was distressing, and frankly, shocking to say the least. But what troubled me most about this conversation was the immediacy of my dear friend to relinquish his ties with the afflicted. Now, I grant that the mutual friend was in a very ugly situation, and wisdom would suggest that it speaks of one's approval if we behave as though they were not responsible for their actions... But to almost surgically remove them seemed unconscionable. I agreed that professional attachment was not beneficial at this time, but as I listened to the depth of the distance that was being made, I had an ache rise up within me. I heard the Holy Spirit say "Do not run from the Leprous, RUN TO THEM." I did not hide what was shared with me, and I believe that in my disclosing those words, I urged them to hold on to the relationship by at least a thread for now. But after we finished speaking, my spirit-man rose up and I felt the urge to pray. As I prayed, I felt the need to call this mutual friend. Later that day, I did. I did not reach out to them to lambaste them for their idiocy, nor did I feel the call to admonish them to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to those who they were inadvertently hurting through their actions. I simply said- "We Love You".
In spite of the reflection it might have on our character to any misunderstanding spectators, we felt that Jesus wanted us to reach out and speak peace and love. Jesus did not put a priority on people's perception of Him when he was operating during His ministry. He cared more about those who needed help than those who murmured of His breaking the orthodoxy or traditions. We are equipped as believers with the power to bring healing to those who are afflicted. The challenge comes when either party is not willing to give or receive the healing. The argument on the side of sin is usually clouded by the guilt, delusion or pride that is borne of the flesh in seasons of sin. The argument on the side of those of us who are called to be vessels for His grace can be driven by insulated caution or religious misunderstanding. There will always be those who out of fear of moving outside of the socially accepted divides, or out of their creation of an idol which usurps the power of God... Our self-made FENCES. While it is not our responsibility to be the convicting agent in these situations, it IS our responsibility to be the LOVE of CHRIST.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. Believers can be led down a very dangerous path when they take the judgment of others upon their shoulders. While I believe that we are to hold those who have the revelation of the truth to a higher level of expectation, I also believe that we must all watch our own footing. "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"-(1 Corinthians 10:12) Yes, there but for the grace of God go I... It is no exaggeration to say that some of the Lord's most potent Generals have gone in moments from condemnation of a peer caught in an explicit sin, to they themselves being wrung over the coals when found in a compromising position. Remember, when God has put you on assignment, the enemy works with crafty intricacy to throw you off of the track and out of the hunt. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”-(1 Peter 5:8)
So much is released in the Spirit when we walk in obedience to His calling and at all times operating in LOVE. Precious Lord God, keep us from becoming insu lated, religious, traditionalist, orthodox, offended Christians. Help us to become more like the Master, Jesus. who, reaching out to the untouchables and touching with HEALING, made GLORY for Your name. Let us always remember and embrace the lovingkindness of the perfect Savior, who endured the temptations of the flesh, took on our sins that we would be FORGIVEN in the eyes of the Father. The greatest teacher and example of eternity, is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is no way that we can embody His calling for our lives UNLESS WE WALK IN LOVE. Leave the ultimate judgement to the Father, and be consecrated to continue proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of the SON through the working POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.
"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."-(Matthew 6:12-13) It is no coincidence that asking for forgiveness for our missteps is paired with a plea for deliverance from the enemy? God wants us to be ALL He has designed us to be. Perfected through His Blood, and empowered by HIS LOVE. Forgive, Speak Jesus into one another's lives. Speak LOVE and be the LOVE of CHRIST to the unclean, the untouchable, the leprous and discarded souls who NEED JESUS and His healing touch. If that is you today, we encourage you to reach out to the loving and forgiving hand of the King of Kings, and He will make you whole. If you simply need Him to touch your heart right this very moment to give you MORE LOVE, than we agree with you IN THE NAME OF JESUS, that it would be done for you according to your faith and the POWER of His Spirit. Forgiveness is part of His ministry- "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation."-(2 Corinthians 5:18-19) FORGIVE. LOVE. BUILD HIS KINGDOM.
My heart aches for the untouchable. Those whose state has cast them away from the compassion and loving embrace of others. What terrible distance and ostracism they are involuntarily moved to. What a desperate plight, to be rejected and forgotten. The only reaction that would be of warrant as you entered the presence of those you once reveled with is one of repulsion and disownment. Instead of even the most civil of greetings, you receive instead gasps of disgust and the spitting of curses warning you to keep your distance. They despise you. You are absolutely alone. You are driven only out of necessity to seek exile amongst those who also share your plight. Your new environs are a breeding ground for further decay and a waiting area for inevitable death. You never feel the warmth of another's touch, or a reassuring caress again. How dark the hopelessness must be. But in the presence of JESUS... The most incredible compassionate hands reach out, grasp and embrace those who are no longer received by the world. He does not care for the precepts and unspoken laws of man. His hands, His words and His LOVE heals a ll who receive them. What troubles me about this scenario is that WE are those hands, WE are the earthly carriers of His words and His Love. But, the same vessels who carry the power to heal here on earth, are usually amongst the same crowds who reject the leprous.
I recently encountered a situation where someone very dear to me in the faith called regarding a brother, a mutually close friend, who had fallen into a greatly distressing position whereby sin had taken root and was strangling his anointing and stifling his call in the Kingdom. The news was distressing, and frankly, shocking to say the least. But what troubled me most about this conversation was the immediacy of my dear friend to relinquish his ties with the afflicted. Now, I grant that the mutual friend was in a very ugly situation, and wisdom would suggest that it speaks of one's approval if we behave as though they were not responsible for their actions... But to almost surgically remove them seemed unconscionable. I agreed that professional attachment was not beneficial at this time, but as I listened to the depth of the distance that was being made, I had an ache rise up within me. I heard the Holy Spirit say "Do not run from the Leprous, RUN TO THEM." I did not hide what was shared with me, and I believe that in my disclosing those words, I urged them to hold on to the relationship by at least a thread for now. But after we finished speaking, my spirit-man rose up and I felt the urge to pray. As I prayed, I felt the need to call this mutual friend. Later that day, I did. I did not reach out to them to lambaste them for their idiocy, nor did I feel the call to admonish them to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to those who they were inadvertently hurting through their actions. I simply said- "We Love You".
In spite of the reflection it might have on our character to any misunderstanding spectators, we felt that Jesus wanted us to reach out and speak peace and love. Jesus did not put a priority on people's perception of Him when he was operating during His ministry. He cared more about those who needed help than those who murmured of His breaking the orthodoxy or traditions. We are equipped as believers with the power to bring healing to those who are afflicted. The challenge comes when either party is not willing to give or receive the healing. The argument on the side of sin is usually clouded by the guilt, delusion or pride that is borne of the flesh in seasons of sin. The argument on the side of those of us who are called to be vessels for His grace can be driven by insulated caution or religious misunderstanding. There will always be those who out of fear of moving outside of the socially accepted divides, or out of their creation of an idol which usurps the power of God... Our self-made FENCES. While it is not our responsibility to be the convicting agent in these situations, it IS our responsibility to be the LOVE of CHRIST.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. Believers can be led down a very dangerous path when they take the judgment of others upon their shoulders. While I believe that we are to hold those who have the revelation of the truth to a higher level of expectation, I also believe that we must all watch our own footing. "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"-(1 Corinthians 10:12) Yes, there but for the grace of God go I... It is no exaggeration to say that some of the Lord's most potent Generals have gone in moments from condemnation of a peer caught in an explicit sin, to they themselves being wrung over the coals when found in a compromising position. Remember, when God has put you on assignment, the enemy works with crafty intricacy to throw you off of the track and out of the hunt. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”-(1 Peter 5:8)
So much is released in the Spirit when we walk in obedience to His calling and at all times operating in LOVE. Precious Lord God, keep us from becoming insu lated, religious, traditionalist, orthodox, offended Christians. Help us to become more like the Master, Jesus. who, reaching out to the untouchables and touching with HEALING, made GLORY for Your name. Let us always remember and embrace the lovingkindness of the perfect Savior, who endured the temptations of the flesh, took on our sins that we would be FORGIVEN in the eyes of the Father. The greatest teacher and example of eternity, is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is no way that we can embody His calling for our lives UNLESS WE WALK IN LOVE. Leave the ultimate judgement to the Father, and be consecrated to continue proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of the SON through the working POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.
"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."-(Matthew 6:12-13) It is no coincidence that asking for forgiveness for our missteps is paired with a plea for deliverance from the enemy? God wants us to be ALL He has designed us to be. Perfected through His Blood, and empowered by HIS LOVE. Forgive, Speak Jesus into one another's lives. Speak LOVE and be the LOVE of CHRIST to the unclean, the untouchable, the leprous and discarded souls who NEED JESUS and His healing touch. If that is you today, we encourage you to reach out to the loving and forgiving hand of the King of Kings, and He will make you whole. If you simply need Him to touch your heart right this very moment to give you MORE LOVE, than we agree with you IN THE NAME OF JESUS, that it would be done for you according to your faith and the POWER of His Spirit. Forgiveness is part of His ministry- "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation."-(2 Corinthians 5:18-19) FORGIVE. LOVE. BUILD HIS KINGDOM.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
His Plan: A New Thing
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."-(Isaiah 43:18-19)
New seasons are a glorious indication of God's plans coming to pass. If we were perpetually trapped in one moment, no matter how wonderful it is, it would be a stumbling block for His plans. We would stagnate and become dwarfed versions of our authentic selves. Seasons are necessary in nature to bring about the cyclical changes in the earth and in the design of creation that the Lord intended for our natural flesh to encounter. I believe that there is within all seasons an incredible metaphor of the Father's blueprint for our spiritual growth and maturation. "Life is a collection of Seasons" is a quote that one of my mentors, Bob Harrison frequently teaches on. And so it is... And for each season there is a purpose and a divine timing. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."-(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
There is a singular beauty and necessity found in each moment, each season of our lives. These moments and seasons are the very milestones, markers and substance of the JOURNEY itself. We each have a destiny that is specific to God's intended architectural purpose for our lives. If we are to fulfill ALL He has written for us to attain and complete, we must not stand still. At the appointed times, we, just as the seasons themselves, must move on. There is a currency to the Power and Plans of God that flows as a River- pressing on and churning the waters and surroundings, bringing NEW LIFE. It is up to us to be obedient when He directs us to hold our ground, or to go. As my bride and I reflect on the last 3 and a half years of our lives and the surreal frequency of the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we EMBRACE CHANGE.
Obedience is the key. Although our flesh or our mind will usually be challenged by active change, our spirits remain focused upon the promise of faith. We know the He is Faithful to those who are faithful to Him. “Without faith it is impossible to please God”-(Hebrews 11:6) I recognize the greatest act of faith to be immediate obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience, nevertheless. But direct obedience of the direction of the Holy Spirit, the very direction of God the Father Himself, leads only to supernatural guidance and favor. In other words, when our faith level is such that we believe the promises of God in the powerful scriptures of the Gospel He ACTIVATES HIS POWER through us: "And Jesus answered them, "Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him; Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any one; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."-(Mark 11:22-25) He gives us the desires of our hearts, and when our wills are wrapped up into His, He literally PLACES HIS DESIRE INTO OUR HEARTS.
When the Holy Ghost prompts you to "GO" or to "MOVE"- we urge you- DO SO. Do not delay. If we truly believe Him at His WORD, then we would move at His prompting without question. If He is truly GOD, then we must. When we have covenant relationship with the Holy Spirit through the saving power of Jesus Christ, we will live a life consecrated to Him, DEDICATED to Him. And when we DEDICATE anything unto the Lord, He takes ownership of it. When He becomes LORD over our lives He is responsible for us. He is a loving and faithful GOD. We truly DO TRUST in HIM. When He urges us, we know to obey. "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left."-(Isaiah 30:21) He will not only guide you, but He will also strengthen you as well. With true faith in the Lord's promises we gain access to receive the blessings of obedience. "I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built."-(Luke 6:46)
So, as we step out in Faith at the direction of the Holy Spirit, and go boldly out onto the waters, we reach out to HIM. And this very day, which represents the first day of our launching out officially, GOD MOVED. There has been no gap between His provision. This morning we received a MASSIVE blessing that will indubitably strengthen His plans for our life together with incredible, uncommon FAVOR. The Favor of the Lord has fallen upon His obedient servants, who are entirely grateful. We LOVE the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. We worship Him with all of our spirit. He is a truly faithful Father who is our provider indeed.
Today, in your reading of this humbled man's awe of God's faithfulness to His obedient ones, we pray you find encouragement. Stay strong in the Lord, and the Power of His might. We encourage you to stand upon His Word. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."-(Philippians 1:6) Stepping out of the boat is a daunting act in our minds and bodies, but when our SPIRIT MAN is under the direct cover of God through immediate obedience, NOTHING CAN STOP HIS PLAN. It may take some "taxing" to get you to your Bethlehem, but when you get there God is going to give you your promise. He WILL see it through. He is not making this up as He goes... He has a perfect plan. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-(Jeremiah 29:11) Trust in the Lord.
New seasons are a glorious indication of God's plans coming to pass. If we were perpetually trapped in one moment, no matter how wonderful it is, it would be a stumbling block for His plans. We would stagnate and become dwarfed versions of our authentic selves. Seasons are necessary in nature to bring about the cyclical changes in the earth and in the design of creation that the Lord intended for our natural flesh to encounter. I believe that there is within all seasons an incredible metaphor of the Father's blueprint for our spiritual growth and maturation. "Life is a collection of Seasons" is a quote that one of my mentors, Bob Harrison frequently teaches on. And so it is... And for each season there is a purpose and a divine timing. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."-(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
There is a singular beauty and necessity found in each moment, each season of our lives. These moments and seasons are the very milestones, markers and substance of the JOURNEY itself. We each have a destiny that is specific to God's intended architectural purpose for our lives. If we are to fulfill ALL He has written for us to attain and complete, we must not stand still. At the appointed times, we, just as the seasons themselves, must move on. There is a currency to the Power and Plans of God that flows as a River- pressing on and churning the waters and surroundings, bringing NEW LIFE. It is up to us to be obedient when He directs us to hold our ground, or to go. As my bride and I reflect on the last 3 and a half years of our lives and the surreal frequency of the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we EMBRACE CHANGE.
Obedience is the key. Although our flesh or our mind will usually be challenged by active change, our spirits remain focused upon the promise of faith. We know the He is Faithful to those who are faithful to Him. “Without faith it is impossible to please God”-(Hebrews 11:6) I recognize the greatest act of faith to be immediate obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience, nevertheless. But direct obedience of the direction of the Holy Spirit, the very direction of God the Father Himself, leads only to supernatural guidance and favor. In other words, when our faith level is such that we believe the promises of God in the powerful scriptures of the Gospel He ACTIVATES HIS POWER through us: "And Jesus answered them, "Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him; Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any one; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."-(Mark 11:22-25) He gives us the desires of our hearts, and when our wills are wrapped up into His, He literally PLACES HIS DESIRE INTO OUR HEARTS.
When the Holy Ghost prompts you to "GO" or to "MOVE"- we urge you- DO SO. Do not delay. If we truly believe Him at His WORD, then we would move at His prompting without question. If He is truly GOD, then we must. When we have covenant relationship with the Holy Spirit through the saving power of Jesus Christ, we will live a life consecrated to Him, DEDICATED to Him. And when we DEDICATE anything unto the Lord, He takes ownership of it. When He becomes LORD over our lives He is responsible for us. He is a loving and faithful GOD. We truly DO TRUST in HIM. When He urges us, we know to obey. "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left."-(Isaiah 30:21) He will not only guide you, but He will also strengthen you as well. With true faith in the Lord's promises we gain access to receive the blessings of obedience. "I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built."-(Luke 6:46)
So, as we step out in Faith at the direction of the Holy Spirit, and go boldly out onto the waters, we reach out to HIM. And this very day, which represents the first day of our launching out officially, GOD MOVED. There has been no gap between His provision. This morning we received a MASSIVE blessing that will indubitably strengthen His plans for our life together with incredible, uncommon FAVOR. The Favor of the Lord has fallen upon His obedient servants, who are entirely grateful. We LOVE the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. We worship Him with all of our spirit. He is a truly faithful Father who is our provider indeed.
Today, in your reading of this humbled man's awe of God's faithfulness to His obedient ones, we pray you find encouragement. Stay strong in the Lord, and the Power of His might. We encourage you to stand upon His Word. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."-(Philippians 1:6) Stepping out of the boat is a daunting act in our minds and bodies, but when our SPIRIT MAN is under the direct cover of God through immediate obedience, NOTHING CAN STOP HIS PLAN. It may take some "taxing" to get you to your Bethlehem, but when you get there God is going to give you your promise. He WILL see it through. He is not making this up as He goes... He has a perfect plan. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-(Jeremiah 29:11) Trust in the Lord.
plans desire,
stepping out
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Love God. Love People.
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."-(Matthew 22:36-40)
Love God. Love People. It IS really that simple. Jesus could very well have delivered a diatribe that unraveled the very mystery of faith and the engineering schematics for creation and God's plans, but He chose instead to encapsulate the heart of the Father with what is essentially the meaning of life. So poignant is this ideal, and so very much like the wonderfully simple ideal of grace, it is almost incomprehensible to our feeble, legalistic minds. We want so desperately to add to it, because "it cannot be that simple..." But the Lord Himself revealed the key to pleasing God and fulfilling your destiny here on Earth. Love Him with ALL of yourself, leaving no part insulated from Him, and love others as you love yourself.
Loving God comes easily for me. I have been forgiven of so much that is, in the natural, and in my own understanding, unforgiveable. But the Holy Spirit revealed to me long ago that I was very similar to the woman with the alabaster box at Simon the Pharisee's house. She was a terrible sinner, particularly in the eyes of the law, but the presence of the Lord, and the Master's forgiveness led her to give all of her love to Him "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."-(Luke 7:47) Love for the Lord leads us into His covering. The very presence of the Holy Spirit IS LOVE. When you bask in His shadow, you are encompassed by the purest love in all creation. We love God because He first loved us. Even while we were ignorantly hurting, cursing, defiling and avoiding Him. He still loved us so much that He gave everything. How could we NOT love Him?
Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves is not immediately easy for most of us. I imagine that the enemy would like to keep us divided and reclusive due to the revelation of the power that unity creates. It would seem, at first glance, that loving others is an issue based entirely around the behavior, reciprocal treatment and the "lovability" of others. My Spirit-Man knows otherwise. We are so often used by the enemy to believe that it is "their fault" or "them" that has the issues that block our love. But I would pose this query to you: What if you do not truly love yourself? How is it possible to love others as we love ourselves, when we truthfully do not? Loving ourselves oftentimes DOES NOT come easily. When we receive the transformative power of salvation, we immediately cling to the Love of God, but it takes many of us a lengthy period of time to be delivered from the lies the adversary tells us about ourselves. Sometimes, it takes an entire lifetime. Sometimes, sadly, it never happens. I know dozens of "saved, blood-bought believers" who are absolutely loveless because they are constantly crippled by the whispers of inadequacy and inferiority from the enemy. I was one of those people. I listened to the lies. Even knowing the Word of God, I believed the fallacies that once plagued my quiet hours. "You are no good. You do not deserve any of this... No one loves you, they are all against you." But God got a hold of me one day long ago and revealed that without Him those statements were true. But WITH HIM, I was forgiven, delivered, renewed, recreated and most importantly LOVED. How do we love ourselves and others? We receive God's Love for us, and He LOVES THROUGH US.
We can do nothing without LOVE. God IS LOVE, and we can do nothing without GOD. Your gifts, talents and earthly tools will never give you entry into the Kingdom of God. Your best laid efforts to enter eterntity based on what you consider as service to the King will be crushed and unrecognized if you do not follow these commandments. The Apostle Paul said it flawlessly: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing."-(1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
We are all in "full-time ministry". We are all required by God to minister to one another. Do not leave that up to the oracle ministries. Jesus tells us that the entirety of the Law and the Prophets hang upon loving God and loving people. He FULFILLED the Law and the Prophets and then gave one NEW COMMANDMENT reiterating the importance of our LOVE: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."-(John 13:34-35)
So the next time you find it challenging to LOVE someone who by the world's standard is unlovable, (perhaps even yourself) think on the Words of the Master. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVED US. LOVE GOD. LOVE PEOPLE.
Love God. Love People. It IS really that simple. Jesus could very well have delivered a diatribe that unraveled the very mystery of faith and the engineering schematics for creation and God's plans, but He chose instead to encapsulate the heart of the Father with what is essentially the meaning of life. So poignant is this ideal, and so very much like the wonderfully simple ideal of grace, it is almost incomprehensible to our feeble, legalistic minds. We want so desperately to add to it, because "it cannot be that simple..." But the Lord Himself revealed the key to pleasing God and fulfilling your destiny here on Earth. Love Him with ALL of yourself, leaving no part insulated from Him, and love others as you love yourself.
Loving God comes easily for me. I have been forgiven of so much that is, in the natural, and in my own understanding, unforgiveable. But the Holy Spirit revealed to me long ago that I was very similar to the woman with the alabaster box at Simon the Pharisee's house. She was a terrible sinner, particularly in the eyes of the law, but the presence of the Lord, and the Master's forgiveness led her to give all of her love to Him "Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little."-(Luke 7:47) Love for the Lord leads us into His covering. The very presence of the Holy Spirit IS LOVE. When you bask in His shadow, you are encompassed by the purest love in all creation. We love God because He first loved us. Even while we were ignorantly hurting, cursing, defiling and avoiding Him. He still loved us so much that He gave everything. How could we NOT love Him?
Loving our neighbors as we love ourselves is not immediately easy for most of us. I imagine that the enemy would like to keep us divided and reclusive due to the revelation of the power that unity creates. It would seem, at first glance, that loving others is an issue based entirely around the behavior, reciprocal treatment and the "lovability" of others. My Spirit-Man knows otherwise. We are so often used by the enemy to believe that it is "their fault" or "them" that has the issues that block our love. But I would pose this query to you: What if you do not truly love yourself? How is it possible to love others as we love ourselves, when we truthfully do not? Loving ourselves oftentimes DOES NOT come easily. When we receive the transformative power of salvation, we immediately cling to the Love of God, but it takes many of us a lengthy period of time to be delivered from the lies the adversary tells us about ourselves. Sometimes, it takes an entire lifetime. Sometimes, sadly, it never happens. I know dozens of "saved, blood-bought believers" who are absolutely loveless because they are constantly crippled by the whispers of inadequacy and inferiority from the enemy. I was one of those people. I listened to the lies. Even knowing the Word of God, I believed the fallacies that once plagued my quiet hours. "You are no good. You do not deserve any of this... No one loves you, they are all against you." But God got a hold of me one day long ago and revealed that without Him those statements were true. But WITH HIM, I was forgiven, delivered, renewed, recreated and most importantly LOVED. How do we love ourselves and others? We receive God's Love for us, and He LOVES THROUGH US.
We can do nothing without LOVE. God IS LOVE, and we can do nothing without GOD. Your gifts, talents and earthly tools will never give you entry into the Kingdom of God. Your best laid efforts to enter eterntity based on what you consider as service to the King will be crushed and unrecognized if you do not follow these commandments. The Apostle Paul said it flawlessly: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing."-(1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
We are all in "full-time ministry". We are all required by God to minister to one another. Do not leave that up to the oracle ministries. Jesus tells us that the entirety of the Law and the Prophets hang upon loving God and loving people. He FULFILLED the Law and the Prophets and then gave one NEW COMMANDMENT reiterating the importance of our LOVE: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."-(John 13:34-35)
So the next time you find it challenging to LOVE someone who by the world's standard is unlovable, (perhaps even yourself) think on the Words of the Master. LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVED US. LOVE GOD. LOVE PEOPLE.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My Walk Just Transformed Into Running...
Reflecting on Philippians 3:10 today, I sought to uncover a deeper understanding of God's purpose in my life. Wanting to "know Christ and the power of his resurrection" is wonderful, albeit incomplete. I must desire to know His PLAN and thereby my purpose. If I seek His Kingdom and righteousness it is inherent that my call will be revealed. That is our heart for the labor of the ministry; to KNOW HIS VOICE.
While praying and meditating on this, I heard the Holy Spirit ask: "Is My 'WHAT' greater than your 'HOW'?" It absolutely floored me. I have tried in so many instances of ministry to relay or execute His plans for my life with focus on the Vision or Plan of Attack. I relate a formula given me by an excellent teacher of "Personal Mastery"- Brian Klemmer who teaches "Intention + Mechanism = Results". It has been an invaluable part of our style, approach and fruit. The formula is scripturally sound and there is no doubt in my spirit that God wants us to be pragmatic and plan out our course of attack.
But that Word from the Holy Spirit shook me. As simply posed as it was, it arrested me and took all of my thoughts captive. In a moment, I saw every major decision, good and bad from my salvation on in an instance. Then it struck me what separates the fully effective decisions from those that struggled to survive, or lacked the anointing... The God-given revelation of "WHAT" always weighed more than the "HOW". And Mr. Klemmer teaches that as a primary to the aforementioned formula. Your INTENTION is the "WHAT". My "WHAT", our "WHAT" is His assignment for us. When the Lord speaks to us, we must move, we must actively pursue His command. Delayed obedience is still disobedience... When we were in the midst of a major move early in ministry, we received a Word relating directly to obediently following His direction. A man of God preached: "If God tells you to go to New York, Get on a plane and go to New York. If you can't fly, get in a car and drive... If you can't drive, get on a train... If you can't take a train, get on a bike... If you can't ride a bike there, Run!! If you can't run, walk... If you can't walk, crawl... If you can't crawl, FALL!!! FALL IN THE DIRECTION THAT THE LORD TOLD YOU TO GO!" What a powerful understanding of obeying His call with immediacy!
While it is obviously important to "write out the vision and make it plain" it is of primary, paramount importance to first OBEY the move of God. If you delay when He says "GO!" in an effort to order your own steps, how is the Holy Spirit able to be the one who orders the path? This takes GREAT FAITH. It takes taxed, tested, seasoned and mature faith to do this, but it also takes the faith of a child... Mysteriously paradoxical, I know... But Jesus meant it when He said "If you do not receive the Kingdom as a child, you shall never enter it." Obedient children do what their Father tells them IMMEDIATELY.
My faith in Him is what is often being tested before the super meets the natural, thus confounding all of my best laid plans... Dr. Oral Roberts once wisely compared faith to one "climbing out on a tree limb with a hand-saw, cutting the limb he is standing on from the tree and watching the rest of the tree fall down, while the limb remained in the air." It doesn't make natural sense... but HIS "WHAT" never has to... His ways are not ours, His thoughts are higher than ours.
Something to ponder as you obediently move upon His call and assigning. He'll give you all that you need to accomplish His will for your life and your assignment. I have always said that He gives us information on a "Need to Know" basis... Sometimes, all we need to know is obedience, then He'll give us the rest.
While praying and meditating on this, I heard the Holy Spirit ask: "Is My 'WHAT' greater than your 'HOW'?" It absolutely floored me. I have tried in so many instances of ministry to relay or execute His plans for my life with focus on the Vision or Plan of Attack. I relate a formula given me by an excellent teacher of "Personal Mastery"- Brian Klemmer who teaches "Intention + Mechanism = Results". It has been an invaluable part of our style, approach and fruit. The formula is scripturally sound and there is no doubt in my spirit that God wants us to be pragmatic and plan out our course of attack.
But that Word from the Holy Spirit shook me. As simply posed as it was, it arrested me and took all of my thoughts captive. In a moment, I saw every major decision, good and bad from my salvation on in an instance. Then it struck me what separates the fully effective decisions from those that struggled to survive, or lacked the anointing... The God-given revelation of "WHAT" always weighed more than the "HOW". And Mr. Klemmer teaches that as a primary to the aforementioned formula. Your INTENTION is the "WHAT". My "WHAT", our "WHAT" is His assignment for us. When the Lord speaks to us, we must move, we must actively pursue His command. Delayed obedience is still disobedience... When we were in the midst of a major move early in ministry, we received a Word relating directly to obediently following His direction. A man of God preached: "If God tells you to go to New York, Get on a plane and go to New York. If you can't fly, get in a car and drive... If you can't drive, get on a train... If you can't take a train, get on a bike... If you can't ride a bike there, Run!! If you can't run, walk... If you can't walk, crawl... If you can't crawl, FALL!!! FALL IN THE DIRECTION THAT THE LORD TOLD YOU TO GO!" What a powerful understanding of obeying His call with immediacy!
While it is obviously important to "write out the vision and make it plain" it is of primary, paramount importance to first OBEY the move of God. If you delay when He says "GO!" in an effort to order your own steps, how is the Holy Spirit able to be the one who orders the path? This takes GREAT FAITH. It takes taxed, tested, seasoned and mature faith to do this, but it also takes the faith of a child... Mysteriously paradoxical, I know... But Jesus meant it when He said "If you do not receive the Kingdom as a child, you shall never enter it." Obedient children do what their Father tells them IMMEDIATELY.
My faith in Him is what is often being tested before the super meets the natural, thus confounding all of my best laid plans... Dr. Oral Roberts once wisely compared faith to one "climbing out on a tree limb with a hand-saw, cutting the limb he is standing on from the tree and watching the rest of the tree fall down, while the limb remained in the air." It doesn't make natural sense... but HIS "WHAT" never has to... His ways are not ours, His thoughts are higher than ours.
Something to ponder as you obediently move upon His call and assigning. He'll give you all that you need to accomplish His will for your life and your assignment. I have always said that He gives us information on a "Need to Know" basis... Sometimes, all we need to know is obedience, then He'll give us the rest.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hide Thyself By The Brook Cherith...
In 1 Kings 17:3-6 the Lord tells Elijah to "Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there.
So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook."
Elijah, whose prophetic ministry is perhaps the most viceral and most memorable amongst the major prophets in the Old Testament, is sent by God to a craggy, dry desolate secret location in biblical Samaria immediately after he prophesied and said unto Ahab, "As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."(1 Kings 17:1)
Miraculous... God sent the prophet to the wilderness where he was to be fed by ravens and have his thirst quenched of the brook. Several ingredients into this rich text strike me as miraculous; It was by the prophet's word that the drought began, it was by the word of the Lord that he was sent into protective exile, and it was by the power of God that in the midst of a terrible drought, Elijah remained quenched and fed by supernatural provision.
If you have been in the Word for any tenure of time, this is not revelation. I share this with you because of the immense personal revelation that the Lord has given within this chapter. Pastor Benny Hinn related Cherith to my wife and I as "the place of a cutting away", meaning that Cherith was a location of spiritual surgery and preparation for the prophet before going into the next season of his ministry to face the powers of Hell themselves.
God's purpose in putting you and I into "Cheriths" in the midst of our seasonally oriented lives is mysterious, but potent. I have been in Cherith many times so far in my walk. I have been in a place of asylum from the enemy, where God supernaturally feeds, provides and gives me rest all the while protecting and preparing me for the next season. I have personally found that these times have always involved a "cutting away" of some sort or another. The Lord uses these times to perform surgery on my core beliefs, my bad habits, my sin nature. Each time as the brook dries up, and the ravens stop coming I find that I/we are ready for the next push in the journey. After all, Elijah did not stay in Cherith. God had explicit and specific plans for him to fulfill. God led Elijah one step at a time, and on a "Need to Know" basis. He did not tell him to go to Cherith until he first delivered the message to Ahab. He did not tell him to go to Zarephath until the brook dried up at Cherith. God led Elijah by faith, one step at a time, and Elijah followed in faith.
While he was in Cherith, he was in the deepest place of communication with God. I like what John Trapp said of the prophet's exile: "Elijah could not be alone, so long as he had God and himself to converse with. A good man is never less alone, than when alone." And perhaps that is God's greater purpose for placing us in those "Cheriths" of our lives. Perhaps the most difficult seasons cannot be conquered without the Lord's excision of certain hinderances. I know that He speaks in a still, small voice to direct us. With all the noise and stimulae of the contemporary age, I imagine that God has a greater need for Cheriths in the life of His people; particularly when the enemy prowls about seeking whom he can devour at a frequency not seen since the likes of Sodom and Gomorah.
So, have you ever been in Cherith? If you have, or are, has it changed you? We would encourage you today to discern between God's call to "Hide thyself by the brook Cherith" and the enemy's accusation of "You will never get to the next season." And embrace the "brook" for the time appointed. It is our prayer that whatever season you are in, God uses each moment, whether Cherith or Zarephath, Gilgal or Jericho, to refine you and your walk.
So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook."
Elijah, whose prophetic ministry is perhaps the most viceral and most memorable amongst the major prophets in the Old Testament, is sent by God to a craggy, dry desolate secret location in biblical Samaria immediately after he prophesied and said unto Ahab, "As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."(1 Kings 17:1)
Miraculous... God sent the prophet to the wilderness where he was to be fed by ravens and have his thirst quenched of the brook. Several ingredients into this rich text strike me as miraculous; It was by the prophet's word that the drought began, it was by the word of the Lord that he was sent into protective exile, and it was by the power of God that in the midst of a terrible drought, Elijah remained quenched and fed by supernatural provision.
If you have been in the Word for any tenure of time, this is not revelation. I share this with you because of the immense personal revelation that the Lord has given within this chapter. Pastor Benny Hinn related Cherith to my wife and I as "the place of a cutting away", meaning that Cherith was a location of spiritual surgery and preparation for the prophet before going into the next season of his ministry to face the powers of Hell themselves.
God's purpose in putting you and I into "Cheriths" in the midst of our seasonally oriented lives is mysterious, but potent. I have been in Cherith many times so far in my walk. I have been in a place of asylum from the enemy, where God supernaturally feeds, provides and gives me rest all the while protecting and preparing me for the next season. I have personally found that these times have always involved a "cutting away" of some sort or another. The Lord uses these times to perform surgery on my core beliefs, my bad habits, my sin nature. Each time as the brook dries up, and the ravens stop coming I find that I/we are ready for the next push in the journey. After all, Elijah did not stay in Cherith. God had explicit and specific plans for him to fulfill. God led Elijah one step at a time, and on a "Need to Know" basis. He did not tell him to go to Cherith until he first delivered the message to Ahab. He did not tell him to go to Zarephath until the brook dried up at Cherith. God led Elijah by faith, one step at a time, and Elijah followed in faith.
While he was in Cherith, he was in the deepest place of communication with God. I like what John Trapp said of the prophet's exile: "Elijah could not be alone, so long as he had God and himself to converse with. A good man is never less alone, than when alone." And perhaps that is God's greater purpose for placing us in those "Cheriths" of our lives. Perhaps the most difficult seasons cannot be conquered without the Lord's excision of certain hinderances. I know that He speaks in a still, small voice to direct us. With all the noise and stimulae of the contemporary age, I imagine that God has a greater need for Cheriths in the life of His people; particularly when the enemy prowls about seeking whom he can devour at a frequency not seen since the likes of Sodom and Gomorah.
So, have you ever been in Cherith? If you have, or are, has it changed you? We would encourage you today to discern between God's call to "Hide thyself by the brook Cherith" and the enemy's accusation of "You will never get to the next season." And embrace the "brook" for the time appointed. It is our prayer that whatever season you are in, God uses each moment, whether Cherith or Zarephath, Gilgal or Jericho, to refine you and your walk.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
New Every Morning...
The hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" rings a glorious chorus that proclaims "Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided— Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!"
Every single day, God provides everything that we need, new, fresh and relevant. His provisions both spiritual and physical are new as the fresh manna that the Israelites received from the heavens each day. "When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, 'What is it?' For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, 'It is the bread the LORD has given you to eat'."(Exodus 16:15) The Hebrew translation of "manna" is "What is it?". That strikes an interesting chord with me. As a believer, it is a pillar of my faith that I expect God to provide "fresh manna" every day, that is to say, fresh revelation and provision without fail, every single day of my life. I, like the wandering Hebrews oftentimes ask "What is it?" in expectation and observation of that manna. That question comes from both a desire to receive or from an occasional lack of understanding pertaining to His Word or supply. Most days, I find the tone of "What is it?" to be one of exuberance and expectation. It never ceases to amaze me how God can speak so specifically with perfection into a situation or need. But even the Israelites needed to take the manna specifically made for that day. "Then the LORD said to Moses, 'I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. On the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days'."(Exodus 16:4)
The Word, the anointing, the spiritual need for the day needs to be sought after daily. If the Hebrews tried to hold onto the manna for more than the current day (or days when it was sabbath), it decomposed and became fetid and rotten. God did not wish for them to feel in any way self-reliant when it came to provision. When we attempt to "hold onto" that which was pertinent in another day in an effort to sustain the current day, it rots, or it is at the very least, ineffective. One cannot rely on old words to sustain the new day. One cannot rely on old anointings to supply the breakthrough for the current day. For the spirit IS a current, ever-moving, ever flowing. That is why, on a broader scale, tradition can stifle a move of God, or kill a new culture of the spirit with formulaic religion. We must place the same level of weight upon allowing the Holy Spirit bring new anointings and fresh words that Jesus did in His ministry here on Earth. "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined."-Luke 5:37
Even as the Lord used this parable to describe the old laws not applying in the midst of the new covenant, it is an excellent and valid image to relate to the importance of a new vessel for a new Word. Even a new anointing demands a new vessel. That may mean a new being entirely or a new creation, or a transformed version of one's self, matured into the current season. But the new anointing will never flow into the old wineskin. The fresh Word will never hold in old wineskins. Again, using the broader perspective of the church itself, there will always be leadership that seeks to claim a new move of God, while never changing the actual being of the vessel that must hold the anointing of the new. That is perhaps, why older anointings clash and even battle with younger ones.
However, on a more direct, personally effective level, we must individually seek to become vessels that are seasoned and ordered in line with the will, Word and plans of God. All the while, seeking to be in His timing when receiving the fresh revelation or provision for the day. That is why a genuine, healthy prayer life is essential for the development of His servants. I wish to seek Him constantly. Not merely daily, and not simply to receive from Him. There lies the quandary of many believers: To seek first His hands and not His Face... His Face is what must be sought after when we "diligently seek Him". I like what our friend, Prophet Manasseh Jordan says: "When we are 'SEEKING' Him, we 'SEE the KING'". I also desire to be fully prepared to receive new Words, new anointings, "fresh manna" in their due course and not fail to perfect His will in my life by having inconsistent "patches" holding my wineskin together when I should become a new vessel entirely. Jesus will was for each of us to become "new creations", and the Word tells us to be "transformed by the RENEWING of our minds". Yes, His mercies, provision, direction and ordering are NEW EVERY MORNING. But, we must seek Him daily in order to be fed and provided unto daily. Great is His faithfulness.
Every single day, God provides everything that we need, new, fresh and relevant. His provisions both spiritual and physical are new as the fresh manna that the Israelites received from the heavens each day. "When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, 'What is it?' For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, 'It is the bread the LORD has given you to eat'."(Exodus 16:15) The Hebrew translation of "manna" is "What is it?". That strikes an interesting chord with me. As a believer, it is a pillar of my faith that I expect God to provide "fresh manna" every day, that is to say, fresh revelation and provision without fail, every single day of my life. I, like the wandering Hebrews oftentimes ask "What is it?" in expectation and observation of that manna. That question comes from both a desire to receive or from an occasional lack of understanding pertaining to His Word or supply. Most days, I find the tone of "What is it?" to be one of exuberance and expectation. It never ceases to amaze me how God can speak so specifically with perfection into a situation or need. But even the Israelites needed to take the manna specifically made for that day. "Then the LORD said to Moses, 'I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. On the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days'."(Exodus 16:4)
The Word, the anointing, the spiritual need for the day needs to be sought after daily. If the Hebrews tried to hold onto the manna for more than the current day (or days when it was sabbath), it decomposed and became fetid and rotten. God did not wish for them to feel in any way self-reliant when it came to provision. When we attempt to "hold onto" that which was pertinent in another day in an effort to sustain the current day, it rots, or it is at the very least, ineffective. One cannot rely on old words to sustain the new day. One cannot rely on old anointings to supply the breakthrough for the current day. For the spirit IS a current, ever-moving, ever flowing. That is why, on a broader scale, tradition can stifle a move of God, or kill a new culture of the spirit with formulaic religion. We must place the same level of weight upon allowing the Holy Spirit bring new anointings and fresh words that Jesus did in His ministry here on Earth. "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined."-Luke 5:37
Even as the Lord used this parable to describe the old laws not applying in the midst of the new covenant, it is an excellent and valid image to relate to the importance of a new vessel for a new Word. Even a new anointing demands a new vessel. That may mean a new being entirely or a new creation, or a transformed version of one's self, matured into the current season. But the new anointing will never flow into the old wineskin. The fresh Word will never hold in old wineskins. Again, using the broader perspective of the church itself, there will always be leadership that seeks to claim a new move of God, while never changing the actual being of the vessel that must hold the anointing of the new. That is perhaps, why older anointings clash and even battle with younger ones.
However, on a more direct, personally effective level, we must individually seek to become vessels that are seasoned and ordered in line with the will, Word and plans of God. All the while, seeking to be in His timing when receiving the fresh revelation or provision for the day. That is why a genuine, healthy prayer life is essential for the development of His servants. I wish to seek Him constantly. Not merely daily, and not simply to receive from Him. There lies the quandary of many believers: To seek first His hands and not His Face... His Face is what must be sought after when we "diligently seek Him". I like what our friend, Prophet Manasseh Jordan says: "When we are 'SEEKING' Him, we 'SEE the KING'". I also desire to be fully prepared to receive new Words, new anointings, "fresh manna" in their due course and not fail to perfect His will in my life by having inconsistent "patches" holding my wineskin together when I should become a new vessel entirely. Jesus will was for each of us to become "new creations", and the Word tells us to be "transformed by the RENEWING of our minds". Yes, His mercies, provision, direction and ordering are NEW EVERY MORNING. But, we must seek Him daily in order to be fed and provided unto daily. Great is His faithfulness.
fresh manna,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The Better To See You With...
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."-(Hebrews 12:2)
"What are you looking at?" I heard in the still small voice that arrested my spirit. My heart was racing in a rush of adrenaline, "You know Lord." A few moments after returning to my anger-driven, self-destructive inward rant of criticism aimed at my disappointment in my then, current situation, I heard it again. "What are you looking at?" I timidly replied, "You are God. You know." I had been driven by the toxicity of my environment to feel utterly disgusted and despondent about my individual call and future in ministry. It was a dark valley at the deepest crevasse along the journey to the base of that particular mountain of faith. I had declared mere hours before at the top of my lungs before God, my wife and an imaginary audience most definitively-"I quit!". I did not intend to resign from life itself, simply ministry. I had allowed my environment to attach itself to my thoughts, and my spirit had become drained in the process. I had gotten alone and began to pray, very selfishly, with misguided motive to be avenged in the midst of the unrighteousness. Rather than seeking the Lord with my Spirit-Man, I sought Him with my barbarian-flesh-man. When I had finished venting my frustrations in poorly crafted confessions, it became silent. Many moments passed, and the echos of my tirade had settled. After I allowed the quiet to fill my senses, I heard Him speak once more. The third time it was not the still small voice that had nudged my intellect earlier. This was an awesome rush of crashing thunder and the power in it stole my breath- "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" I was stayed to say the very least, and I stood absolutely still, knowing that an answer was required of me. "I... I am looking at my environment." At once I felt a quickening of revelation shake me. I saw in a glimpse of time the positive in the negative and recognized my folly. I received a tremendous moment of reflection from the Lord to recount my behavior, my words and most importantly, my sightlines. Later that night, after having ministered before Pastor Tommy Barnett spoke, I felt a sharp regret for my words, but no release to have them relented and removed from the record of existence. It was as if the confession of resignation was impermiable, irrevocable and although incorrect, unforgiveable. As we joined the congregation, and Pastor Barnett began his message, I was absolutely floored by his opening words. As I began settle into my chair, he uttered two words that I believe were sent from God's mouth to his mouth to my ears:
"DON'T QUIT". He then stunned me into tears. "There is someone here tonight that said that they were giving up. They told God that they were quitting ministry." I felt as though he overheard me, but that was absolutely impossible. "I want you to know that the Lord is telling you DON'T. I also want you to know that He is telling you to stop looking at your environment and start looking at HIM." I was in an instant, renewed.
I realized from that moment, that God is so very gracious to his children, who, for lack of understanding and battle-weariness from the ongoing stretching and trevailing, grow vulnerable. He cared enough for my walk, my purpose and His hand upon my life, that He used that great General of His to speak directly to me. I cannot quite explain in words the impact that has had on me. One specific article of wisdom that was crafted anew in my understanding that day changed my entire walk. I will never again be able to see my environment as the reality of God's economy, intent or plan. What I look at had become of paramount importance. I realized that "what I was looking at" was what was seen. The issues, the challenges and the inconsistencies of my outward environs set the standard for my perception. But what God wants us to look at is what is unseen. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) I wonder how often we fall into the treacherous plot of the enemy found in our eyegate's perception of our surroundings before we gain the ultimate understanding of our perspective's importance. I have written before that our friend and one of our mentors, Dr. Myles Munroe states that "Sight is a function of the EYES, and Vision is a function of the HEART". The sight of the Spirit is SUPER-natural and with the EYES of our heart we see God's truth and our destiny. We become what we see. We absorb what we see. Our eyegates will connect our spirits to our surroundings if we use only our intellect and natural eyes to perceive.
God wants us to remember that this is a temporary state, and that what He sees for us is ultimately ALL that truly matters. We are at a severe disadavantage when we judge our ends by our current states in the natural. Take for instance Abram. In spite of the promise of God to be his shield, his great reward and the previous promise of a son, he does not hear God's prophetic promises. "Behold, (or LOOK) You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir." But God's plan is greater, and therefore His understanding of perception is also grander. "Then the word of the LORD came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."-(Genesis 15:3-5) God's answer to him is to "LOOK" onto that which God has the vision for. He set a tremendous example for those of us who look at what is surrounding us, rather than what is SUPERNATURALLY SURROUNDING US.
Throughout the Word of God, He shows us by way of a plethora of examples that we must not judge our natural surroundings to be sovereign or final. God is the only sovereignty, His Word is FINAL. I meditate on 2 Kings 6:8-23 as a reminder of His ultimate and infinite power that is usually unseen by the natural eye. "When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his EYES so he may SEE." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he LOOKED and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."-(2 Kings 6:15-17)
Your challenges today may seem, by NATURAL SIGHT, insurmountable. It may appear that you are overwhelmed by the onslaught, the terror and the sheer size of the forces poised against you. But I know that "My God shall supply ALL of your needs according to HIS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus"-(Philippians 4:19) I also know that He does not want you to quit. He does not desire for you to surrender to the enemy. God did not lay down His Son as a sacrifice for ALL TIME so that we would fall victim to the piercing lies of the adversary's abuse of the eyegate's perception. We must endure as Christ endured. Knowing that the same architect of our lives and our faith is faithful to perfect and finish them. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God's ideal is that we don't not operate with the eyes that are merely planted in our flesh. He wills that we should be gifted with larger, more powerful eyes, in our hearts, souls and spirits that guide our attitudes, choices and confessions of faith. "For we walk by faith, not by sight."-(2 Corinthians 5:17) The eyes of our faith differ so vastly from our natural eyes. They are much larger, more powerful and by far superior, because they are able to see JESUS. So, as we develop onward with our faith, our sight, our vision in HIM, let us be able to LOOK UNTO JESUS and believe. He alone is the Author and Finisher of our Faith, and with the eyes of faith, we see His plans, His will and His Power... BETTER.
"What are you looking at?" I heard in the still small voice that arrested my spirit. My heart was racing in a rush of adrenaline, "You know Lord." A few moments after returning to my anger-driven, self-destructive inward rant of criticism aimed at my disappointment in my then, current situation, I heard it again. "What are you looking at?" I timidly replied, "You are God. You know." I had been driven by the toxicity of my environment to feel utterly disgusted and despondent about my individual call and future in ministry. It was a dark valley at the deepest crevasse along the journey to the base of that particular mountain of faith. I had declared mere hours before at the top of my lungs before God, my wife and an imaginary audience most definitively-"I quit!". I did not intend to resign from life itself, simply ministry. I had allowed my environment to attach itself to my thoughts, and my spirit had become drained in the process. I had gotten alone and began to pray, very selfishly, with misguided motive to be avenged in the midst of the unrighteousness. Rather than seeking the Lord with my Spirit-Man, I sought Him with my barbarian-flesh-man. When I had finished venting my frustrations in poorly crafted confessions, it became silent. Many moments passed, and the echos of my tirade had settled. After I allowed the quiet to fill my senses, I heard Him speak once more. The third time it was not the still small voice that had nudged my intellect earlier. This was an awesome rush of crashing thunder and the power in it stole my breath- "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" I was stayed to say the very least, and I stood absolutely still, knowing that an answer was required of me. "I... I am looking at my environment." At once I felt a quickening of revelation shake me. I saw in a glimpse of time the positive in the negative and recognized my folly. I received a tremendous moment of reflection from the Lord to recount my behavior, my words and most importantly, my sightlines. Later that night, after having ministered before Pastor Tommy Barnett spoke, I felt a sharp regret for my words, but no release to have them relented and removed from the record of existence. It was as if the confession of resignation was impermiable, irrevocable and although incorrect, unforgiveable. As we joined the congregation, and Pastor Barnett began his message, I was absolutely floored by his opening words. As I began settle into my chair, he uttered two words that I believe were sent from God's mouth to his mouth to my ears:
"DON'T QUIT". He then stunned me into tears. "There is someone here tonight that said that they were giving up. They told God that they were quitting ministry." I felt as though he overheard me, but that was absolutely impossible. "I want you to know that the Lord is telling you DON'T. I also want you to know that He is telling you to stop looking at your environment and start looking at HIM." I was in an instant, renewed.
I realized from that moment, that God is so very gracious to his children, who, for lack of understanding and battle-weariness from the ongoing stretching and trevailing, grow vulnerable. He cared enough for my walk, my purpose and His hand upon my life, that He used that great General of His to speak directly to me. I cannot quite explain in words the impact that has had on me. One specific article of wisdom that was crafted anew in my understanding that day changed my entire walk. I will never again be able to see my environment as the reality of God's economy, intent or plan. What I look at had become of paramount importance. I realized that "what I was looking at" was what was seen. The issues, the challenges and the inconsistencies of my outward environs set the standard for my perception. But what God wants us to look at is what is unseen. "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) I wonder how often we fall into the treacherous plot of the enemy found in our eyegate's perception of our surroundings before we gain the ultimate understanding of our perspective's importance. I have written before that our friend and one of our mentors, Dr. Myles Munroe states that "Sight is a function of the EYES, and Vision is a function of the HEART". The sight of the Spirit is SUPER-natural and with the EYES of our heart we see God's truth and our destiny. We become what we see. We absorb what we see. Our eyegates will connect our spirits to our surroundings if we use only our intellect and natural eyes to perceive.
God wants us to remember that this is a temporary state, and that what He sees for us is ultimately ALL that truly matters. We are at a severe disadavantage when we judge our ends by our current states in the natural. Take for instance Abram. In spite of the promise of God to be his shield, his great reward and the previous promise of a son, he does not hear God's prophetic promises. "Behold, (or LOOK) You have given me no children; so a servant in my household will be my heir." But God's plan is greater, and therefore His understanding of perception is also grander. "Then the word of the LORD came to him: "This man will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir." He took him outside and said, "Look up at the heavens and count the stars—if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be."-(Genesis 15:3-5) God's answer to him is to "LOOK" onto that which God has the vision for. He set a tremendous example for those of us who look at what is surrounding us, rather than what is SUPERNATURALLY SURROUNDING US.
Throughout the Word of God, He shows us by way of a plethora of examples that we must not judge our natural surroundings to be sovereign or final. God is the only sovereignty, His Word is FINAL. I meditate on 2 Kings 6:8-23 as a reminder of His ultimate and infinite power that is usually unseen by the natural eye. "When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. "Oh, my lord, what shall we do?" the servant asked. "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his EYES so he may SEE." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he LOOKED and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."-(2 Kings 6:15-17)
Your challenges today may seem, by NATURAL SIGHT, insurmountable. It may appear that you are overwhelmed by the onslaught, the terror and the sheer size of the forces poised against you. But I know that "My God shall supply ALL of your needs according to HIS riches in Glory in Christ Jesus"-(Philippians 4:19) I also know that He does not want you to quit. He does not desire for you to surrender to the enemy. God did not lay down His Son as a sacrifice for ALL TIME so that we would fall victim to the piercing lies of the adversary's abuse of the eyegate's perception. We must endure as Christ endured. Knowing that the same architect of our lives and our faith is faithful to perfect and finish them. He will never leave you nor forsake you. God's ideal is that we don't not operate with the eyes that are merely planted in our flesh. He wills that we should be gifted with larger, more powerful eyes, in our hearts, souls and spirits that guide our attitudes, choices and confessions of faith. "For we walk by faith, not by sight."-(2 Corinthians 5:17) The eyes of our faith differ so vastly from our natural eyes. They are much larger, more powerful and by far superior, because they are able to see JESUS. So, as we develop onward with our faith, our sight, our vision in HIM, let us be able to LOOK UNTO JESUS and believe. He alone is the Author and Finisher of our Faith, and with the eyes of faith, we see His plans, His will and His Power... BETTER.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The Wind of the Spirit- Part II
"Only the Eagle knows the way the wind is blowing!" Pastor Benny Hinn passionately admonished his new music minister. Moments prior to his rebuke, the young man had decided to alter the music in the midst of the move of the Holy Spirit. Under the anointing, the somewhat reserved man of God is a fiery instrument of the Lord's power. When he gave that rebuff, it had been momentarily uncomfortable for all, but as the Spirit acknowledged the validity of the correction, it became a valid learning experience for us. It is for God to choose and appoint a specific timing and vessel for His anointing to flow through. In the midst of the presence of the Holy Ghost at work in many different meetings, we experienced the wind of the Spirit in multiple capacities. But I can personally attest that for the appointed times of our leadership in the ministering of the Gifts, it is a weighty responsibility to properly obey the prompting of the Comforter. It cannot be manufactured, manipulated or put into a formulaic equation. The Wind or Breath of the Spirit is as the natural wind itself. One cannot instruct the Wind to blow westerly or southerly, but rather must allow the rudder and the marriage of wind and sail to propel his vessel. However, with reference to this point, it is only for the Captain to steer his ship, not the boatswain.
Obedience is key to flowing with Him. It may be intellectually uncomfortable or pragmatically odd to be moved to and fro in the midst of the current, yet, when we allow our intellects or flesh to dictate the atmosphere of the anointing, it dissipates. Church bodies and gatherings where the Spirit is not flowing are almost inevitably lacking in the atmosphere of faith and therefore, allowance of the flow itself. Although we may be certain that God will move, that does not mean He is WILLING to move in the particular way we are desiring. Our ways are not His, and His thoughts and motives are higher than ours. It is not for us to place boundaries or theorems on Him. There is an entirely different teaching buried here, dealing with distinguishing God's LAW from man's FORMULAS, but let us uncover that treasure at another time. Just as Wind does not respond to the calendars, clocks or impatience of man, so neither will the Spirit of God be bound to our defined borders. A service where there is a time-limit for reasons of popularity rarely sees the type and degree of power that is wrought from open hearts and schedules. Please, understand that I do not attest universal truth to the idea that if a service is 6 hours as opposed to 1 it will rend more anointing. That is not necessarily the case. Some of the shorter services we have ministered in have seen greater moves than some of the marathon services we have experienced. Some of the longer services where the intent is to "tarry" can also lead to a fruitless time of, well, "tarrying" when the waiting is without faith, expectation or anointing. Waiting on the Lord in not passive. When our faith is stirred and the agreement of all is a level above the natural, then the supernatural comes to our revelation. God is always working, and our reception or acknowledgement of His work is dependent more on our openness to bear witness in SPIRIT AND TRUTH, rather than our "show me Lord" spectatorship. It takes a genuine HUNGER for His presence and a thirst for His Spirit to be truly obedient. "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."-(Matthew 5:6) When we thirst for Him in obedience, spirit and truth, we witness and receive His POWER.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."-(Acts 1:8) We are given the POWER of the gifts of the Spirit, as well as the evidence of the FRUIT of the Spirit, for the express main purpose of being Christ's witnesses to and throughout the ends of the Earth. We are given wisdom and providentially provided with exactly what to say in the operation of testifying to the Gospel when we flow with the Spirit. When Stephen was seized by Jewish authorities, they witnessed that power firsthand. "These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke"-(Acts 6:9-10) Even before Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, and before the Great Commission, the Spirit of the Living God bore witness to Himself and His Power in multiple instances through this same medium of potency. And when Moses fearfully complained of his lack of eloquence and his speech impediment... "The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD ? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."-(Exodus 4:11-12) God imparts different gifts for specific needs and missions in the process of building His Kingdom through the working power of the Holy Spirit. "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men."-(1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
"The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life."-(Job 33:8) "The Spirit of God" or "Ruach Elohim" is transliterated from Hebrew as "Breath or Wind of God". The Breath of Life itself, comes from and IS the Holy Spirit. The WIND of the Spirit, IS the Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Living Lord. How marvelous. How truly magnificent. The Person of the Holy Ghost is God's very breath, He is GOD. When we experience the Wind of the Spirit, the breath of God, WE EXPERIENCE GOD. We cannot, in our mortal bodies experience the Father, the Godhead directly. We would disintegrate in His presence. But our Spirit-Man is blessed to commune and receive from the awesome, loving presence of HIS SPIRIT. We are blessed to be given CREATION- the Spirit of the Lord is the likeness in which we were created , "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness."-(Genesis 1:26) We are blessed to be given REVELATION- God reveals Himself and His Plans through the prompting of the Holy Ghost. We are blessed to be given REDEMPTION- The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, then the Holy Spirit leads us to the repentance of our sins. We are blessed to be given the INDWELLING- We are Born Again by His Spirit, and become vessels for His inhabitation. "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? "-(1 Corinthians 3:16) We are blessed to be TRANSFORMED- "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."-(2 Corinthians 3:18) We are blessed to be FILLED, to be given OVERCOMING POWER and thereby testify to His GLORY. The Ruach Ha-Kodesh or "Breath or WIND of the Holy One" is the most amazing, active and POWERFUL GIFT we as believers receive from God following the vicarious atonement that we have been given through the Savior's sacrifice and blood.
The Wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing. In it is the very power of God made manifest here and now on Earth in the land of the living. Miracles did not cease with the death of the Apostles. On the contrary, through the currency and power of the Holy Ghost, the greatest miracles are still yet to come. "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."-(John 14:12) If you have never experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongues, you have not yet experienced the Spirit-Filled Life. Jesus came so that we would have Life and have it more abundantly. If you seek to have this "abundant life", you must receive the miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to direct you to a strong and pure Spirit-Filled Church and speak with one of the servants of Christ there about receiving the Comforter yourself. I promise you- your life will be forever changed and altered to the most incredible level of faith and growth when you do this. If you are already a blood-bought, Spirit-Filled Believer, then let us join in absolute and total agreement together right now, that God is still doing great things! Where there is agreement and the atmosphere of Faith, the Wind of the Spirit is FLOWING- And then let us all proclaim as Kathryn Kuhlman so often declared- "I believe in MIRACLES, because I believe in GOD."
Obedience is key to flowing with Him. It may be intellectually uncomfortable or pragmatically odd to be moved to and fro in the midst of the current, yet, when we allow our intellects or flesh to dictate the atmosphere of the anointing, it dissipates. Church bodies and gatherings where the Spirit is not flowing are almost inevitably lacking in the atmosphere of faith and therefore, allowance of the flow itself. Although we may be certain that God will move, that does not mean He is WILLING to move in the particular way we are desiring. Our ways are not His, and His thoughts and motives are higher than ours. It is not for us to place boundaries or theorems on Him. There is an entirely different teaching buried here, dealing with distinguishing God's LAW from man's FORMULAS, but let us uncover that treasure at another time. Just as Wind does not respond to the calendars, clocks or impatience of man, so neither will the Spirit of God be bound to our defined borders. A service where there is a time-limit for reasons of popularity rarely sees the type and degree of power that is wrought from open hearts and schedules. Please, understand that I do not attest universal truth to the idea that if a service is 6 hours as opposed to 1 it will rend more anointing. That is not necessarily the case. Some of the shorter services we have ministered in have seen greater moves than some of the marathon services we have experienced. Some of the longer services where the intent is to "tarry" can also lead to a fruitless time of, well, "tarrying" when the waiting is without faith, expectation or anointing. Waiting on the Lord in not passive. When our faith is stirred and the agreement of all is a level above the natural, then the supernatural comes to our revelation. God is always working, and our reception or acknowledgement of His work is dependent more on our openness to bear witness in SPIRIT AND TRUTH, rather than our "show me Lord" spectatorship. It takes a genuine HUNGER for His presence and a thirst for His Spirit to be truly obedient. "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."-(Matthew 5:6) When we thirst for Him in obedience, spirit and truth, we witness and receive His POWER.
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."-(Acts 1:8) We are given the POWER of the gifts of the Spirit, as well as the evidence of the FRUIT of the Spirit, for the express main purpose of being Christ's witnesses to and throughout the ends of the Earth. We are given wisdom and providentially provided with exactly what to say in the operation of testifying to the Gospel when we flow with the Spirit. When Stephen was seized by Jewish authorities, they witnessed that power firsthand. "These men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke"-(Acts 6:9-10) Even before Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Prophets, and before the Great Commission, the Spirit of the Living God bore witness to Himself and His Power in multiple instances through this same medium of potency. And when Moses fearfully complained of his lack of eloquence and his speech impediment... "The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD ? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."-(Exodus 4:11-12) God imparts different gifts for specific needs and missions in the process of building His Kingdom through the working power of the Holy Spirit. "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men."-(1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
"The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life."-(Job 33:8) "The Spirit of God" or "Ruach Elohim" is transliterated from Hebrew as "Breath or Wind of God". The Breath of Life itself, comes from and IS the Holy Spirit. The WIND of the Spirit, IS the Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Living Lord. How marvelous. How truly magnificent. The Person of the Holy Ghost is God's very breath, He is GOD. When we experience the Wind of the Spirit, the breath of God, WE EXPERIENCE GOD. We cannot, in our mortal bodies experience the Father, the Godhead directly. We would disintegrate in His presence. But our Spirit-Man is blessed to commune and receive from the awesome, loving presence of HIS SPIRIT. We are blessed to be given CREATION- the Spirit of the Lord is the likeness in which we were created , "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness."-(Genesis 1:26) We are blessed to be given REVELATION- God reveals Himself and His Plans through the prompting of the Holy Ghost. We are blessed to be given REDEMPTION- The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin, then the Holy Spirit leads us to the repentance of our sins. We are blessed to be given the INDWELLING- We are Born Again by His Spirit, and become vessels for His inhabitation. "Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? "-(1 Corinthians 3:16) We are blessed to be TRANSFORMED- "But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord."-(2 Corinthians 3:18) We are blessed to be FILLED, to be given OVERCOMING POWER and thereby testify to His GLORY. The Ruach Ha-Kodesh or "Breath or WIND of the Holy One" is the most amazing, active and POWERFUL GIFT we as believers receive from God following the vicarious atonement that we have been given through the Savior's sacrifice and blood.
The Wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing. In it is the very power of God made manifest here and now on Earth in the land of the living. Miracles did not cease with the death of the Apostles. On the contrary, through the currency and power of the Holy Ghost, the greatest miracles are still yet to come. "I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."-(John 14:12) If you have never experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in other tongues, you have not yet experienced the Spirit-Filled Life. Jesus came so that we would have Life and have it more abundantly. If you seek to have this "abundant life", you must receive the miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit. Ask God to direct you to a strong and pure Spirit-Filled Church and speak with one of the servants of Christ there about receiving the Comforter yourself. I promise you- your life will be forever changed and altered to the most incredible level of faith and growth when you do this. If you are already a blood-bought, Spirit-Filled Believer, then let us join in absolute and total agreement together right now, that God is still doing great things! Where there is agreement and the atmosphere of Faith, the Wind of the Spirit is FLOWING- And then let us all proclaim as Kathryn Kuhlman so often declared- "I believe in MIRACLES, because I believe in GOD."
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Wind of the Spirit- Part I
"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."-(Acts 2:2-4)
Almost 10 years ago, I stood alone under a crystal-clear starlit sky in the middle of the desert in Palm Springs, waiting on the Lord. The air was still and absolutely silent. The man-made lagoon was as glass, placid and undisturbed- a perfect mirror of the cosmos above. This was no ordinary time in the presence of the Lord. I had sought Him in the privacy of my prayer closet and had experienced powerfully intimate encounters before, but this night was singularly different. Weeks prior to this very night, my bride had heard from God as to the future He desired, and had appointed to us in ministry. She had heard very clearly that the first step was to leave both our careers in the entertainment industry and New York City itself and move to Tulsa, Oklahoma to launch out. He would then order our steps and direct our future. Upon receiving this directive, she said "I am willing and obedient Lord. But you are going to have to confirm this by telling him yourself." She knew that in order for God to be obeyed, we would both need to have individual recognition and confirmation of this incredibly weighty directive. Without prior knowledge of her experience involving God's direction, I began in the days before this starlit night, to hear very clearly in my spirit- "Tulsa". When praying about my flourishing career in the Theatre, I heard, very simply- "Go". It had rung as clear as the peal of a chapel bell to my Spirit-Man, but the ears of my flesh and my intellect were not so certain. My career was active and full of choices. While others were starving, I was having my pick of the Lion's Share in roles. My Agent was positive that this was my time for immense breakthrough into the higher echelon of both finance and future. It made no sense in the natural; but I have found that when stretching our faith, God's directives very rarely do make any intellectual sense. "Please forgive me Lord, but I need you to show me this is your will". Looking skyward into the depth of His majestic creation I heard a second time, "Go". I pressed again for more clarification- "Please Father, be clear with me." Again I heard "Go". I was stirred, my flesh became anxious at the immensely challenging idea of leaving all that I had worked toward and what I considered at that point to be my dreams and aspirations. Suddenly, it became so silent, that it seemed as if there was not only the absence of sound, but a deficit thereof. I felt as if I were in the vacuum of Space itself. As my intellect and my flesh squirmed in the challenging discomfort of the admonition of the Lord, I dared once more to press Him. "Lord, if it is your will that we should uproot and move to Tulsa to launch into full-time ministry, show me..." Before the words were finished, and before I was through annunciating the request, a torrential wind crashed down onto me and my surroundings. What had been so still had become in the blink of an eye, as a Hurricane rushing the environment. The force of the winds blew the waters of the lagoon to overlap and splash the shoreline. The rush of gusting power toppled over chairs and lounges. It knocked down potted palms and flowers throughout the yard where I stood. Frightened at the power of God, I cried out- "Yes! We will GO!" and as immediately as I uttered the words, the wind fell silent. I had been in the very presence of the Holy Spirit Himself as confirmation of God's hand on our lives, and I was in an instance, forever changed.
The impact of the Wind of the Spirit was, in that case, literal and tangible. But it awakened in me a knowledge of His currency, His flow and POWER. That experience was impressive and inspiring, but I knew within that it was nothing in comparison with the unseen move of His Spirit. Jesus describes the presence and indwelling of the Holy Spirit as such: "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”-(John 3:8) I am constantly in awe of the powerful, multi-layered plans of God. Not only had He brought a life-altering witness of confirmation to our entry into ministry, He had demonstrated something in the natural that Jeni and I are now blessed beyond measure to experience in the supernatural every day. The flow of the Holy Spirit IS AS WIND. It is for the Holy Spirit to decide which direction, which measure of pressure, or force to demonstrate and act through to touch or direct God's people. "Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. "-(Isaiah 30:21) The flow of the Holy Spirit is perhaps the most effective and active tool for God to lead His beloved to their destiny. It is a constant flow. Never does the Holy Spirit stagnate. We do. Our understanding or perception of the flow of the wind of the Spirit can become dampened or hindered, but the Spirit Himself will not be restrained. It is rather for you and I to be obedient and willing to hear, acknowledge and act upon the unction or promptings of the Holy Spirit. It is for that reason and necessity that we MUST be open conduits available to God's activity, use and impartation. Why? Because precious people, God is handing out gifts on a constant basis to all who are open to receive them.
"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."-(1 Corinthians 12:7-11) The GIFTS of the Spirit are the very reason that we must be open conduits free of hinderance for God to impart to. It is through these Gifts that we build His Kingdom, whereas it is through the Fruit of the Spirit that we see the evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."-(Matthew 7:16-20)
My Father-in-Law composed an anointed song "He's Here Right Now" which expresses "He's here, right now. Here right now. We don't need to wait, we don't need to beg. He's passing out gifts for all to receive. He's here right now to meet every need." And so He is. And truly, when we become cognizant of His omnipresence and His glorious Love for us, we can become open to receive His GIFTS. They come on the Wind of the Spirit. When the Disciples were gathered on Pentecost they were all together and in agreement, ready to receive. At that moment, the entrance of the COMFORTER, the parakletos, the Holy Spirit entered with a MIGHTY WIND and began freely granting gifts. While we are ministering in the power of the Holy Ghost, we are privileged to witness firsthand the awesome gifts of the Spirit. The environment is bathed in God's presence and the atmosphere is one of FAITH. Without FAITH it is impossible to please God, and without pleasing God with our faith, we quench the Spirit. But we manufacture NOTHING. We cannot force His hand nor create His gifts. It is the prerogative and the authority of the Holy Spirit to decide who, what, when, where and HOW. The WHY is for God alone to know. But it is our initiative to flow with the WIND of the Spirit that enables us to minister effectively to the gifts and callings imparted to others. Everything and everyone must be as He wishes, or we miss the outpouring. Sensitivity to this is a process which we as believers are never finished with. It is a constant learning process, and the depth of the mystery and complexity of the Person of the Holy Spirit is BOUNDLESS.
And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance."-(Acts 2:2-4)
Almost 10 years ago, I stood alone under a crystal-clear starlit sky in the middle of the desert in Palm Springs, waiting on the Lord. The air was still and absolutely silent. The man-made lagoon was as glass, placid and undisturbed- a perfect mirror of the cosmos above. This was no ordinary time in the presence of the Lord. I had sought Him in the privacy of my prayer closet and had experienced powerfully intimate encounters before, but this night was singularly different. Weeks prior to this very night, my bride had heard from God as to the future He desired, and had appointed to us in ministry. She had heard very clearly that the first step was to leave both our careers in the entertainment industry and New York City itself and move to Tulsa, Oklahoma to launch out. He would then order our steps and direct our future. Upon receiving this directive, she said "I am willing and obedient Lord. But you are going to have to confirm this by telling him yourself." She knew that in order for God to be obeyed, we would both need to have individual recognition and confirmation of this incredibly weighty directive. Without prior knowledge of her experience involving God's direction, I began in the days before this starlit night, to hear very clearly in my spirit- "Tulsa". When praying about my flourishing career in the Theatre, I heard, very simply- "Go". It had rung as clear as the peal of a chapel bell to my Spirit-Man, but the ears of my flesh and my intellect were not so certain. My career was active and full of choices. While others were starving, I was having my pick of the Lion's Share in roles. My Agent was positive that this was my time for immense breakthrough into the higher echelon of both finance and future. It made no sense in the natural; but I have found that when stretching our faith, God's directives very rarely do make any intellectual sense. "Please forgive me Lord, but I need you to show me this is your will". Looking skyward into the depth of His majestic creation I heard a second time, "Go". I pressed again for more clarification- "Please Father, be clear with me." Again I heard "Go". I was stirred, my flesh became anxious at the immensely challenging idea of leaving all that I had worked toward and what I considered at that point to be my dreams and aspirations. Suddenly, it became so silent, that it seemed as if there was not only the absence of sound, but a deficit thereof. I felt as if I were in the vacuum of Space itself. As my intellect and my flesh squirmed in the challenging discomfort of the admonition of the Lord, I dared once more to press Him. "Lord, if it is your will that we should uproot and move to Tulsa to launch into full-time ministry, show me..." Before the words were finished, and before I was through annunciating the request, a torrential wind crashed down onto me and my surroundings. What had been so still had become in the blink of an eye, as a Hurricane rushing the environment. The force of the winds blew the waters of the lagoon to overlap and splash the shoreline. The rush of gusting power toppled over chairs and lounges. It knocked down potted palms and flowers throughout the yard where I stood. Frightened at the power of God, I cried out- "Yes! We will GO!" and as immediately as I uttered the words, the wind fell silent. I had been in the very presence of the Holy Spirit Himself as confirmation of God's hand on our lives, and I was in an instance, forever changed.
The impact of the Wind of the Spirit was, in that case, literal and tangible. But it awakened in me a knowledge of His currency, His flow and POWER. That experience was impressive and inspiring, but I knew within that it was nothing in comparison with the unseen move of His Spirit. Jesus describes the presence and indwelling of the Holy Spirit as such: "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”-(John 3:8) I am constantly in awe of the powerful, multi-layered plans of God. Not only had He brought a life-altering witness of confirmation to our entry into ministry, He had demonstrated something in the natural that Jeni and I are now blessed beyond measure to experience in the supernatural every day. The flow of the Holy Spirit IS AS WIND. It is for the Holy Spirit to decide which direction, which measure of pressure, or force to demonstrate and act through to touch or direct God's people. "Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left. "-(Isaiah 30:21) The flow of the Holy Spirit is perhaps the most effective and active tool for God to lead His beloved to their destiny. It is a constant flow. Never does the Holy Spirit stagnate. We do. Our understanding or perception of the flow of the wind of the Spirit can become dampened or hindered, but the Spirit Himself will not be restrained. It is rather for you and I to be obedient and willing to hear, acknowledge and act upon the unction or promptings of the Holy Spirit. It is for that reason and necessity that we MUST be open conduits available to God's activity, use and impartation. Why? Because precious people, God is handing out gifts on a constant basis to all who are open to receive them.
"Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."-(1 Corinthians 12:7-11) The GIFTS of the Spirit are the very reason that we must be open conduits free of hinderance for God to impart to. It is through these Gifts that we build His Kingdom, whereas it is through the Fruit of the Spirit that we see the evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them."-(Matthew 7:16-20)
My Father-in-Law composed an anointed song "He's Here Right Now" which expresses "He's here, right now. Here right now. We don't need to wait, we don't need to beg. He's passing out gifts for all to receive. He's here right now to meet every need." And so He is. And truly, when we become cognizant of His omnipresence and His glorious Love for us, we can become open to receive His GIFTS. They come on the Wind of the Spirit. When the Disciples were gathered on Pentecost they were all together and in agreement, ready to receive. At that moment, the entrance of the COMFORTER, the parakletos, the Holy Spirit entered with a MIGHTY WIND and began freely granting gifts. While we are ministering in the power of the Holy Ghost, we are privileged to witness firsthand the awesome gifts of the Spirit. The environment is bathed in God's presence and the atmosphere is one of FAITH. Without FAITH it is impossible to please God, and without pleasing God with our faith, we quench the Spirit. But we manufacture NOTHING. We cannot force His hand nor create His gifts. It is the prerogative and the authority of the Holy Spirit to decide who, what, when, where and HOW. The WHY is for God alone to know. But it is our initiative to flow with the WIND of the Spirit that enables us to minister effectively to the gifts and callings imparted to others. Everything and everyone must be as He wishes, or we miss the outpouring. Sensitivity to this is a process which we as believers are never finished with. It is a constant learning process, and the depth of the mystery and complexity of the Person of the Holy Spirit is BOUNDLESS.
Holy Spirit,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Fear & Fear
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."-(2 Timothy 1:7)
A wise man once told me "Fear is the Mind-Killer." This is an absolute truth... But it would have edified my growth as a believer exponentially, if they had taken the time to dissect the veritable dual-meaning behind the noun itself. Fear, for our purposes of investigation, has two very different meanings by the English definition. First, it is identified as "a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Second, it is identified as "reverential awe, especially toward God". Fear in the former sense is the same fear the Apostle Paul identifies in 2 Timothy when referring to the "spirit of fear" which would keep us from spreading the Gospel. The latter identity is essential, if not all-empowering to our journey and development in Faith. To be a relative semanticist and honor my God-given affinity and mechanical need for etymology, I believe the responsible approach, before we delve into the value of scriptural understanding, would be to scrutinize the Greek and Hebrew forms that were originally intended. The Greek "PHOBEO" is cited as "fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone", the Hebrew word (transliterated as "YIRAH") which can possibly mean fear in this same sense, but ALSO means awe, reverence, respect and devotion. When the Word was translated into the Greek, something very interesting happened. The word which means "reverential awe" in Greek "Eulabeia", and the Greek word "Deilia" which means simply "cowardice" were inferred into the use of "PHOBEO" without specific differentiation applied. Whew. Now, if you are still with me...
The FEAR which we teach as being "a disease" and "a Mind-Killer" is very clearly the terror of impending danger, evil or pain and distress. But there is incredible power in the reverential awe or "FEAR OF GOD". "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever."-(Psalm 111:10) In the English Standard Version, the precise phrase "fear of the Lord" occurs 27 times. There are a plethora of other passages which refer or allude to the reverence or "fear" of God. The Spirit of Fear which is mentioned in Paul's epistle, is the same type which is referred to over 366 times throughout the King James Bible when variances of the words "FEAR NOT" are employed. Which leads me directly back to the unction pressing the purpose of this assignment through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I heard in my spirit while praying regarding this quandary, "The FEAR of the LORD is the weapon that destroys the spirit of FEAR that the enemy is attacking My people with". Pondering and absorbing that, it struck a vibrant chord in my spirit-man. In order to "Fear not", we must understand in Spirit and Truth, the FEAR OF THE LORD. There is POWER there.
I was then drawn to the famous example set by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address when he iconically stated: "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." Later into the address, he identifies very clearly how to defeat said fear: "In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come." He shows that self-same FEAR OF THE LORD which defeats the spirit of fear. "If God is for us, who is against us? "-(Romans 8:31) When we cast aside fear, and embrace the reverence of our powerful God, we literally disarm the enemy. "In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you." -(Isaiah 54:14) God promises us that when we are founded IN HIM, through His righteousness, fear is banished. Consider it an evil exile to which you have been given the King's authority to cast hence to the outer bounds of existence, never to encounter again. Yet, we are the only border guards with sentry-like authority to patrol the outer boundaries of our territories who will either stave off the return of the exiled fear, or foolishly allow it to breach the sovereignty of that which the Lord has declared trespass.
Sadly, the adversary infiltrates delicate and ill-prepared minds, poisoning the valid understanding of the Fear of the Lord. The forces of evil would confuse every thought in regard of the true understanding therein, and mislead these dear ones to gather that God often acts as the perpetrator of an attack in order to bring witness to His authority. But the wiles of the wicked one are transparent to God's Armed force of hearers and doers of the Word. "If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you."-(Isaiah 54:15) God will not be the dispatcher for the attacks of the spirit of FEAR on His righteous; moreover, He promises that whoever encroaches and attempts to rend harm will literally bow in surrender to you. Remember- this is when we are grafted into the rock of revelation that God is to be reverently "feared". We activate His power in our defenses when we recognize His Glory. And God then grants the advocate to crush the enemy who spews the spirit of fear on our behalf. "See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc; NO weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD."-(Isaiah 54:16-17)
Every time you defy the spirit of fear by operating in faith, no matter the prior circumstances, nor the environment of oppression that may cloud the truth of God's power, you gain ground back to the fortitude of the throne. Following their exile, the Israelites, who were in captivity for 70 years in Babylon, returned to rebuild the Temple. They had most definitely faced and stewed in the spirit of fear. In spite of their blessed exodus out of captivity, they no longer had the protection of the wall which had previously guarded Jerusalem. They had no vineyards, no crops and no army. They were practically sojourners at that point. All they did possess was what they brought out of Babylon and their faith... Their Fear of the Lord. "Though fear had come upon them because of the people of those countries, they set the altar on its bases; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, both the morning and evening burnt offerings.-(Ezra 3:3) They defied the spirit of fear and instead focused on their reverence and obedient worship of God. In their obedient sacrifice, they re-established and re-acknowledged the revelation that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM WOULD PROSPER. The Fear of the Lord had superseded and nullified the creeping fear of re-invasion that could have crippled them.
While we, who are the redeemed of the Lord through Christ Jesus have no need for burnt offerings, we must instead build tabernacles of obedience and altars of sacrifice unto God within our very hearts. The reverence of God is our answer to the spirit of fear. The gap to the foot of the throne is bridged by power, love and a sound mind which are the tangible rewards granted by the blood.
Bear in mind, that we need an advocate to stand in this gap for us before the awesome power of God the Father. We could not commit to be in His reverential presence in our sin nature. We must understand that the true Fear of the Lord is as unfathomable as our inability to conceive His incredible, glorious POWERFUL person in this, our temporal consciousness or flesh. WE NEED JESUS. He is the only one worthy to stand before the Father and claim our benefits. And in His Lordship, we are bound to the dynamic truth of our FREEDOM. You see, Christ did not fulfill the Law and the Prophets, stand accused unjustly before the Sanhedrin, Pharisees and Sadducees, suffer mockery and flagellation at the hands of the Romans under Pilate at Antonia, walk the Via Dolorosa and willingly be nailed to the same cross he carried to the Skull so that we should FEAR. "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we were healed."-(Isaiah 53:5) The punishment which brought our PEACE, our strength and resilience to the spirit of fear was literally purchased by our savior. Jesus paid for us to be freed from fear. "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, FEAR NOT; I am the first and the last."-(Revelation 1:17)
So beloved, as you charge on in the name of Jesus Christ today, receive His freedom. Activate the liberty granted at calvary through His nail-pierced hands and feet. His blood is to be revered, His sacrifice and atonement must not be ignored. If you do not know Him yet or if you do and still live under the weight of the spirit of fear- Cast aside every weight and embrace JESUS. Knowing that "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!"-(John 8:36)
A wise man once told me "Fear is the Mind-Killer." This is an absolute truth... But it would have edified my growth as a believer exponentially, if they had taken the time to dissect the veritable dual-meaning behind the noun itself. Fear, for our purposes of investigation, has two very different meanings by the English definition. First, it is identified as "a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Second, it is identified as "reverential awe, especially toward God". Fear in the former sense is the same fear the Apostle Paul identifies in 2 Timothy when referring to the "spirit of fear" which would keep us from spreading the Gospel. The latter identity is essential, if not all-empowering to our journey and development in Faith. To be a relative semanticist and honor my God-given affinity and mechanical need for etymology, I believe the responsible approach, before we delve into the value of scriptural understanding, would be to scrutinize the Greek and Hebrew forms that were originally intended. The Greek "PHOBEO" is cited as "fear, extreme fear of; morbid, excessive, irrational fear, or terror of something or someone", the Hebrew word (transliterated as "YIRAH") which can possibly mean fear in this same sense, but ALSO means awe, reverence, respect and devotion. When the Word was translated into the Greek, something very interesting happened. The word which means "reverential awe" in Greek "Eulabeia", and the Greek word "Deilia" which means simply "cowardice" were inferred into the use of "PHOBEO" without specific differentiation applied. Whew. Now, if you are still with me...
The FEAR which we teach as being "a disease" and "a Mind-Killer" is very clearly the terror of impending danger, evil or pain and distress. But there is incredible power in the reverential awe or "FEAR OF GOD". "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever."-(Psalm 111:10) In the English Standard Version, the precise phrase "fear of the Lord" occurs 27 times. There are a plethora of other passages which refer or allude to the reverence or "fear" of God. The Spirit of Fear which is mentioned in Paul's epistle, is the same type which is referred to over 366 times throughout the King James Bible when variances of the words "FEAR NOT" are employed. Which leads me directly back to the unction pressing the purpose of this assignment through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I heard in my spirit while praying regarding this quandary, "The FEAR of the LORD is the weapon that destroys the spirit of FEAR that the enemy is attacking My people with". Pondering and absorbing that, it struck a vibrant chord in my spirit-man. In order to "Fear not", we must understand in Spirit and Truth, the FEAR OF THE LORD. There is POWER there.
I was then drawn to the famous example set by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his inaugural address when he iconically stated: "Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." Later into the address, he identifies very clearly how to defeat said fear: "In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come." He shows that self-same FEAR OF THE LORD which defeats the spirit of fear. "If God is for us, who is against us? "-(Romans 8:31) When we cast aside fear, and embrace the reverence of our powerful God, we literally disarm the enemy. "In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; YOU WILL HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you." -(Isaiah 54:14) God promises us that when we are founded IN HIM, through His righteousness, fear is banished. Consider it an evil exile to which you have been given the King's authority to cast hence to the outer bounds of existence, never to encounter again. Yet, we are the only border guards with sentry-like authority to patrol the outer boundaries of our territories who will either stave off the return of the exiled fear, or foolishly allow it to breach the sovereignty of that which the Lord has declared trespass.
Sadly, the adversary infiltrates delicate and ill-prepared minds, poisoning the valid understanding of the Fear of the Lord. The forces of evil would confuse every thought in regard of the true understanding therein, and mislead these dear ones to gather that God often acts as the perpetrator of an attack in order to bring witness to His authority. But the wiles of the wicked one are transparent to God's Armed force of hearers and doers of the Word. "If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you."-(Isaiah 54:15) God will not be the dispatcher for the attacks of the spirit of FEAR on His righteous; moreover, He promises that whoever encroaches and attempts to rend harm will literally bow in surrender to you. Remember- this is when we are grafted into the rock of revelation that God is to be reverently "feared". We activate His power in our defenses when we recognize His Glory. And God then grants the advocate to crush the enemy who spews the spirit of fear on our behalf. "See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to work havoc; NO weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me," declares the LORD."-(Isaiah 54:16-17)
Every time you defy the spirit of fear by operating in faith, no matter the prior circumstances, nor the environment of oppression that may cloud the truth of God's power, you gain ground back to the fortitude of the throne. Following their exile, the Israelites, who were in captivity for 70 years in Babylon, returned to rebuild the Temple. They had most definitely faced and stewed in the spirit of fear. In spite of their blessed exodus out of captivity, they no longer had the protection of the wall which had previously guarded Jerusalem. They had no vineyards, no crops and no army. They were practically sojourners at that point. All they did possess was what they brought out of Babylon and their faith... Their Fear of the Lord. "Though fear had come upon them because of the people of those countries, they set the altar on its bases; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, both the morning and evening burnt offerings.-(Ezra 3:3) They defied the spirit of fear and instead focused on their reverence and obedient worship of God. In their obedient sacrifice, they re-established and re-acknowledged the revelation that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM WOULD PROSPER. The Fear of the Lord had superseded and nullified the creeping fear of re-invasion that could have crippled them.
While we, who are the redeemed of the Lord through Christ Jesus have no need for burnt offerings, we must instead build tabernacles of obedience and altars of sacrifice unto God within our very hearts. The reverence of God is our answer to the spirit of fear. The gap to the foot of the throne is bridged by power, love and a sound mind which are the tangible rewards granted by the blood.
Bear in mind, that we need an advocate to stand in this gap for us before the awesome power of God the Father. We could not commit to be in His reverential presence in our sin nature. We must understand that the true Fear of the Lord is as unfathomable as our inability to conceive His incredible, glorious POWERFUL person in this, our temporal consciousness or flesh. WE NEED JESUS. He is the only one worthy to stand before the Father and claim our benefits. And in His Lordship, we are bound to the dynamic truth of our FREEDOM. You see, Christ did not fulfill the Law and the Prophets, stand accused unjustly before the Sanhedrin, Pharisees and Sadducees, suffer mockery and flagellation at the hands of the Romans under Pilate at Antonia, walk the Via Dolorosa and willingly be nailed to the same cross he carried to the Skull so that we should FEAR. "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we were healed."-(Isaiah 53:5) The punishment which brought our PEACE, our strength and resilience to the spirit of fear was literally purchased by our savior. Jesus paid for us to be freed from fear. "And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, FEAR NOT; I am the first and the last."-(Revelation 1:17)
So beloved, as you charge on in the name of Jesus Christ today, receive His freedom. Activate the liberty granted at calvary through His nail-pierced hands and feet. His blood is to be revered, His sacrifice and atonement must not be ignored. If you do not know Him yet or if you do and still live under the weight of the spirit of fear- Cast aside every weight and embrace JESUS. Knowing that "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!"-(John 8:36)
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