"...Were it not better for us to return to Egypt?"-(Numbers 14:3)
The words issued from the mouths and hearts of rebellious Israelites freed from their 400 year bondage represent a grave danger in the life of a child of God. The danger is looking back in conditioned, romanticized remembrance of the very situation we pray and ask God to deliver us from, only to regress. This is a situation that the Lord would not have us repeat. If God delivers us from sin, and transforms us into "new creations" we are not to even look back. Jesus tells the man who asks to first go back and say goodbye to his family before following Him "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."-(Luke 9:62)
God shows us the importance of not even glancing back toward that which we have been delivered from through the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah when Lot's wife chooses to look back at what they were leaving: "But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt."-(Genesis 19:26) Why does this happen? How is it possible that we can have such incredible, supernatural events split the fabric of time and space through the very hand of God to deliver, heal, save or redeem us, and our reaction is often to turn back to that from which we have been removed?
My beloved bride are tremendously blessed to have witnessed firsthand many incredible supernatural healings. I remember fairly recently at one of our meetings with Pastor Benny Hinn, a woman who had a painful, crippling condition for more than 20 years. That day was her day for a miracle. She came in faith to the meeting, and God most certainly met her there, and healed her. It was incredible to see the joy in her countenance when she gave her testimony of what the Lord had done for her. Tears of glorious appreciation and sincere awe that the King of Kings would deliver her out of her bodily affliction captivated her persona. She literally "jumped for joy". As the line of testimonies continued on, the woman walked of her own strength down from the platform and proceeded to pass the line of discarded walkers, wheelchairs and crutches, and in hesitation, stopped to fetch her old wheelchair from the apron of the stage. And then, after looking thoughtfully at it for a moment, sat back down in it and triggered the controls to begin wheeling back to her seat. I was baffled. She was absolutely healed. Not only did we and the rest of the ministry team witness it, but the entire gathering of over 9,000 did as well. Pastor Benny was taken aback. He interrupted those who were being interviewed for their healing and called her out. "What on earth are you doing?" No response. "Why is that woman back in her wheelchair?" She kept on motoring along... I prayerfully asked God the same question, and immediately heard in my spirit: "She is going back to Egypt".
As incredulous as it may be, that is the plight of so many who receive long-awaited deliverances, healings, breakthroughs and supernatural provisions from the Lord. Which leads me once again to the familiar and imperative 'Why?'- Why would anyone who has suffered any plight that only the Lord could remove return to it? "Like a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to their folly."-(Proverbs 26:11) But is it concious folly when one returns to their condition of imprisonment? I believe that when some return to certain sins, particularly sins of the flesh that create short-term seasonal pleasure, it is strictly out of addictive bondage to that pleasure. But the same principle exists on the opposite end of logic. Take for instance those who have spent enough time in prison to become institutionalized. They may see the light of freedom again, but oftentimes they long to return to the routine and (albeit inconceivable) comfort of the 6'x8' cell that they inhabited during their penalization. Another possibility for one's attempt to return to bondage is the comfort of victimized living. Rather than having to tend for oneself, there are those who either fear developing or re-developing self-sufficiency or simply wish to be served out of their condition, and therefore become "permanent victims". It is often fear... fear of the unknown, or fear of being uncomfortable that drives the reversion; And fear is a disease. In any case, the true reasoning is spiritually hindered, flesh-feeding (and in some cases), demonized oppression, but it all boils down to COMFORT.
There is a morbid comfort of the flesh found in the prison bars, the sick bed, the wheelchair or the addiction that literally holds some people captive. It is familiar, and therefore, (in a completely self-decaying capacity) it is a predictable magnetic force for return. "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."-(Matthew 26:41) It is in the weakness of our flesh that we can be defeated. It is in the frailty of the human condition that we revert to our captive state. Jesus identified that in the Garden of Gethsemane when he warned Peter, John and James as they were falling asleep to "Watch and Pray, so that you do not fall into temptation." Their spirits were willing, but their flesh was weak. Jesus knew that in order to conquer those situations where the flesh could turn back, it is imperative that we connect completely to the spirit man. Our flesh is incapable of holding onto deliverance, redemption, healing and the miraculous. But while the flesh inevitably fails, the spirit is eternally victorious through Christ. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts."-(Zechariah 4:6)
It is one of the adversary's greatest weapons of deception to manipulate us into thinking that we are responsible in the flesh or mind to hold onto the gifts and callings of the Lord. But that is a lie. What is more, that is a transparent confusion of the will of God for those under the covenant of Abraham, and as believers through Jesus Christ we also share the bounty of that same covenant. "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance."-(Romans 11:29) Which leads us back to the wandering Israelites... How is it that they did not receive the Promised Land within the first generation that left the bondage and reproach of Egypt? Perhaps a better question would be- How is it that the children of Israel disregarded the immediate witness of the plagues over Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the utter destruction of the Horse and Riders of Egypt, the pillar of fire by night, and the cloud of smoke by day, the manna and the quail, the water from the rocks? How is it possible that even after crying out unto God for generations to send deliverance, in rebellion they moaned and complained that they wished to return to the same bondage they had been delivered from?
The answer is defined in one word: Faith. It takes FAITH to hold onto the promise, healing, deliverance or blessing. It takes the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen to receive that which God supernaturally grants us. "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."-(Hebrews 11:6) It takes the faith of Joshua and Caleb to look into the Promised Land and while the other spys return with reports of negativity and fear of defeat and say "Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it."-(Numbers 13:30)
There is a great lyric in the hymn "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" that goes: "I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, No turning back..." So as you go forth through the journey of this beautiful, wonderous faith- Do not turn back, and when you receive "IT", DON'T GO BACK TO EGYPT.
Pastors Brian and Jeni Stivale travel the globe spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ministering with signs and wonders following through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Their ministry of preaching, teaching, prophetic, and worship reaches millions throughout the world via Churches, Conferences, Internet and Television. www.StivaleMinistries.org
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Don't Go Back to Egypt
Thursday, September 16, 2010
"Now Faith"
"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."-(Luke 18:17)
Three years and 3 months ago, after ministering at a Leaders and Achievers Conference on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the eldest of my two sons, Gabriel, was receiving a reflexology treatment in my Mother-In-Law's suite across the hall from ours. The Lanai door was open and the air flowing into the common room was a current of Polynesian warmth and humidity. Ours is a family of closely-knit personalities and friendships, and the room even in the midst of his treatment was fairly well populated. When it was finished, Gabriel went to the front door of the room to say goodbye to his aunt and her friend. He was standing with his left arm inside the doorjamb and his petite, five year-old frame holding the 150 pound door open. The winds were particularly gusty that day, creating both a wind-tunnel and a vacuum effect in the main corridor of the suite from the lanai to the front door. As he stood saying his sweet fair-wells, an invisible powerhouse of wind forced the weighty door to slam shut. Gabriel's left arm was broken in two. He shrieked in agony as I had never heard him. It immediately broke our hearts to hear such a sound from our beloved boy. At that point in time, Jeni and I had been the next in line, and were getting our reflexology treatments in the master bedroom. We rounded the corner in an adrenaline infused flash to reach him and comfort him in his distress. In agony he stammered and cried at the top of his lungs. I looked at his arm. It was broken on the forearm and literally hanging the wrong way much like one of those horrific viral videos of sports injuries do. I would normally be disgusted by the sight of something like that, but this was my boy. We had someone call the desk and alert local emergency services. We then had them follow up and send their onsite EMT to the suite. As we carefully laid his broken appendage in a pillow and had someone hold it together acting as a splint, I began to stew and became angered with the negligence of the Hotel. I went into "protective tiger-mode" and started in professing how they should have had a sign that warned of the wind-tunnel vacuous vortex from hell that occurs when the lanai and front door are both open. What is more, I frenetically asked "why do the doors weigh as much as a dungeon gate?"- I was totally in the flesh. The Holy Spirit arrested me. I stopped, looking down into Gabriel's bloodshot and pained eyes, then panning the room it struck me; We are at least 7 believers in this room. We need to pray... NOW. As we were all praying in the Spirit, (which should more than likely freak any little child out) I heard in my spirit- "Tell him to agree". I looked at his face, glazed with tears, and into his eyes. I said "Gabriel, sweetheart, you need to agree with us. Okay?" He gasped and through stuttering tears answered "Okay..." "Say 'I am healed in Jesus' Name'". He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and repeated- "I am healed in Jesus' Name... I am healed in Jesus'..." Before he could utter it a second time completely, we all heard a noticeable "POP!" Looking at each other, the person who was holding the pillow as a splint recounted later that they could not hold it together. At that same moment, it was as if a person was forcing their arms to open the splint. As it was opened, Gabriel stopped crying instantly, lifted his arm up from the pillow and rotated it around. "I'm fine." he declared. We looked at his arm and it was completely whole. It was a miracle. The faith of my child had gained access to the benefits of the blood. We must have seemed like maniacs or hypochondriacs to the EMT who arrived a minute or so later. They examined his arm and saw no sign of breakage. We felt it was wisdom to go directly to the medical center a few miles away at another property for follow-up. Gabriel, whose entire countenance and spirit changed as he was healed said- "Jesus healed me." We did quite a bit of crying ourselves that day, mostly out of thanksgiving and joy for the wonderful gift that our God had provided. We went in and his X-rays were perfect. There was no break. At first, after hearing what had happened, the Doctor seemed dubious of the situation. But upon deep investigation, (they took additional X-rays of his other arm) the only thing they could find was a slight bruising on the area where the door slammed on his arm. He was certifiably, absolutely and completely HEALED.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."-(Psalm 127:3)
Both of our children are miraculous. Literally. I do not say that with careless abandon or with levity, but mean to convey the essence of the miraculous is in their births. Quite truthfully, it is miraculous that either of the two were even conceived. Years ago, my beautiful bride was told by a team of Doctors that the reality of her conceiving a child was, at best, a 3 percent possibility. Within a few weeks, our first child was alive and inhabiting temporary residence in the womb "that the builders rejected". Over the course of the next three months, Jeni, who was working for Sir Cameron Macintosh overseas, continued to perform under medical observation and clearance. The day before her 30th birthday, she was startled by bleeding and felt as though she was losing the baby. The Doctor sent her to the nearest hospital and had her put on immediate bed rest, telling her that it was inevitable that she would lose him. Ironically enough, on her 30th birthday, in a city called HELL, Cayman Islands (absolutely true), she laid prayerfully asking for his life. God delivered. She came home and we carried on with a fairly normal pregnancy after that. In the midst of the second trimester, my mother called us. She had a prophetic dream. In the dream, an angel came and told her that we would have a son, and we were to name him Gabriel. We did. Gabriel Jacob Stivale was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 15, 2002.
"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."-(Luke 18:16)
Two and a half years after Gabriel was born, as we ministered at another conference, we were approached by a self-proclaimed "Prophetess". I state that she was self-proclaimed because I recognize that God appoints men and women to operate in the office of prophet in these latter days (Joel 2:28), but confirms it by exterior means or signs following. In other words, if someone decides autonomously, without the assignment and the anointing of God that they themselves are a Prophet or Prophetess, their fruit will reveal the truth. The aforementioned lady pulled my wife aside to "give her a word". I should also interject here, the importance of WHO you receive prophetic words from, as in many cases, self-fulfillment follows the confession of a belief. She proceeded to tell my bride, that God was "closing her womb" as He wanted her and I to focus entirely on ministry. This did not fit with what the Holy Spirit had revealed to either of us, so it was unsettling. It troubled Jeni and she was confused as to the intention of imparting something of that sort. It is instances just like this that God uses to further confirm His Word. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."-(1 John 4:1) The following day, the same lady approached me while I was mid-conversation with my good friend, Dr. Dave Martin and broke into the conversation by saying "I have a Word from the Lord for you." Dave shot me a look of warning, already seeing in the Spirit that she was not necessarily "all there". She then with the weighty seriousness of Samuel began- "The Lord told me to tell you... You are not charging enough for your CD. You need to charge 2 more dollars." Wow. I was so flabbergasted that God would intercede into that matter prophetically, literally jumping over both Jeni and I that I audibly laughed. She smirked at me and walked away as I "thanked her" for her obedience. Jeni then became pregnant with our next child within a few weeks of that event.
As the God of the 3 percent breakthrough operated His miracle-working power through the same womb that bore our first "Might Warrior of God", our next challenge came. You see, whenever God wants to bring tremendous blessing or growth, the enemy attacks with full force. Our next child, a boy, was diagnosed as a high-risk and we were told that there was a very strong likelihood that he would be Down's Syndrome and low birth weight. The Doctors told us that we needed to have an Amniocentesis performed. It is a fairly dangerous procedure where a large syringe pierces the womb and draws a sample of the amniotic fluid to be tested. They insisted on the test as the "responsible thing to do". When we asked why, we were told that the test results would show us whether the child would be retarded or have birth defects. We asked if they could treat anything if the results were unfavorable, they said coldly, "No, but you would be able to abort." We were appalled and answered immediately with "You don't know our God. And furthermore, if this child is special or normal, we will love him unconditionally." The Ob/Gyn told us that we were "stupid" and "irresponsible". We told her that we were faithful, and more importantly that our God was faithful. Negative report after negative report, we stood upon the Word of God, knowing that Jesus was in control, either way, we held fast. As the week of the scheduled C-section approached, our faith was tested heavily. We stood on the Word. The hour of the operation came, and I sat alone waiting for the procedure as Jeni was in pre-op. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and asked God to bless this child and order his steps. Minutes later, we welcomed Benjamin Ray Stivale in to his adventure. He was heavier than his older brother at birth, and absolutely perfect. They told us over the course of his testing that he was deaf in his right ear, but we prayed for his wholeness, and when we took him into an Audiologist, they found him to be totally whole and pronounced him as such. God is so incredibly faithful. "God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."-(1 Corinthians 1:9)
Our faith was tested and strengthened through all of these events. Jesus proves time and time again that we belong to HIM, and He takes care of His children. But throughout the growth of our boys, we have learned through the miraculous and the mild, they have tremendous, inspiring faith in God. We are so blessed to have had them both dedicated by their now, Step-Grandfather, Bob Harrison, and our beloved friends John Bevere and Dr. Myles Munroe. What an awesome God. What a divine impartation and blessing, and what an awesome future that they are called to in His Kingdom. But the environment and teaching of the Holy Spirit has developed in them both faith that rivals the Generals of the Gospel themselves. They are sown in, grafted into the true vine, and they have learned already that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. They know, even at this young and tender age, that God's promises are true, and that FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS. "For thou, O Lord, art my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth. Upon thee I have leaned from my birth; thou art he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of thee."-(Psalm 71:5-6)
I love their understanding of faith. It is immediate. It is not "instant gratification" but rather "NOW faith". "NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) Our sons have "NOW FAITH". When Benny has an injury or needs prayer, he always completes his prayers (and sometimes amends ours) with "Not tomorrow, not Sunday, but RIGHT NOW. In Jesus' Name". What is impressive is the genuinely immediate action of the Hand of God into these situations. His faith expects "NOW" and God grants it. Gabriel's understanding of the power of faith reaches into his everyday, and it is a direct result of that life-changing experience seeing the immediacy of his healing. That has brought to light in our ministry the same immediacy in Jesus' miracles during His ministry on Earth. There were no indefinite time lapses between the healings themselves and the manifestation. "A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy."-(Matthew 8:2-3) "Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour."-(Matthew 8:13) "As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. -(Mark 1:42) ""Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road."-(Mark 10:52) When we have the faith of a child, it has not been tainted by the qualifications or mystification of the world. It is pure and strong. Our expectation is set upon the immediacy of the manifestation, the truth of God's promises. The Lord Himself teaches us that we must be like children to inherit the Kingdom of God. (Luke 18:17) That most certainly does not mean that we operate as children do, or that we revert in our maturity or development. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."-(1 Corinthians 13:11) We need to loose the shackles of the world and return to the purity of a child's belief. In that regard, we must not necessarily "think" like a child, but rather "BELIEVE" like one in order to please God and activate His promises. My boys are two of my greatest inspirations and along with my bride, are the proof that there is a God, he loves and believes in me and wants me to be blessed. They are, in spite of their age, two of my greatest examples when it comes to understanding true, unadulterated FAITH.
So, whether you have your own miniature anointed progeny or not, perhaps we must all reflect on the obedience and faith of the boy with the fish and the loaves. Give all we have to the Master willingly and whole-heartedly, so He may bless and multiply it immediately with "NOW FAITH". We are, after all, no matter how young or old, His CHILDREN.
Three years and 3 months ago, after ministering at a Leaders and Achievers Conference on the island of Maui, Hawaii, the eldest of my two sons, Gabriel, was receiving a reflexology treatment in my Mother-In-Law's suite across the hall from ours. The Lanai door was open and the air flowing into the common room was a current of Polynesian warmth and humidity. Ours is a family of closely-knit personalities and friendships, and the room even in the midst of his treatment was fairly well populated. When it was finished, Gabriel went to the front door of the room to say goodbye to his aunt and her friend. He was standing with his left arm inside the doorjamb and his petite, five year-old frame holding the 150 pound door open. The winds were particularly gusty that day, creating both a wind-tunnel and a vacuum effect in the main corridor of the suite from the lanai to the front door. As he stood saying his sweet fair-wells, an invisible powerhouse of wind forced the weighty door to slam shut. Gabriel's left arm was broken in two. He shrieked in agony as I had never heard him. It immediately broke our hearts to hear such a sound from our beloved boy. At that point in time, Jeni and I had been the next in line, and were getting our reflexology treatments in the master bedroom. We rounded the corner in an adrenaline infused flash to reach him and comfort him in his distress. In agony he stammered and cried at the top of his lungs. I looked at his arm. It was broken on the forearm and literally hanging the wrong way much like one of those horrific viral videos of sports injuries do. I would normally be disgusted by the sight of something like that, but this was my boy. We had someone call the desk and alert local emergency services. We then had them follow up and send their onsite EMT to the suite. As we carefully laid his broken appendage in a pillow and had someone hold it together acting as a splint, I began to stew and became angered with the negligence of the Hotel. I went into "protective tiger-mode" and started in professing how they should have had a sign that warned of the wind-tunnel vacuous vortex from hell that occurs when the lanai and front door are both open. What is more, I frenetically asked "why do the doors weigh as much as a dungeon gate?"- I was totally in the flesh. The Holy Spirit arrested me. I stopped, looking down into Gabriel's bloodshot and pained eyes, then panning the room it struck me; We are at least 7 believers in this room. We need to pray... NOW. As we were all praying in the Spirit, (which should more than likely freak any little child out) I heard in my spirit- "Tell him to agree". I looked at his face, glazed with tears, and into his eyes. I said "Gabriel, sweetheart, you need to agree with us. Okay?" He gasped and through stuttering tears answered "Okay..." "Say 'I am healed in Jesus' Name'". He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and repeated- "I am healed in Jesus' Name... I am healed in Jesus'..." Before he could utter it a second time completely, we all heard a noticeable "POP!" Looking at each other, the person who was holding the pillow as a splint recounted later that they could not hold it together. At that same moment, it was as if a person was forcing their arms to open the splint. As it was opened, Gabriel stopped crying instantly, lifted his arm up from the pillow and rotated it around. "I'm fine." he declared. We looked at his arm and it was completely whole. It was a miracle. The faith of my child had gained access to the benefits of the blood. We must have seemed like maniacs or hypochondriacs to the EMT who arrived a minute or so later. They examined his arm and saw no sign of breakage. We felt it was wisdom to go directly to the medical center a few miles away at another property for follow-up. Gabriel, whose entire countenance and spirit changed as he was healed said- "Jesus healed me." We did quite a bit of crying ourselves that day, mostly out of thanksgiving and joy for the wonderful gift that our God had provided. We went in and his X-rays were perfect. There was no break. At first, after hearing what had happened, the Doctor seemed dubious of the situation. But upon deep investigation, (they took additional X-rays of his other arm) the only thing they could find was a slight bruising on the area where the door slammed on his arm. He was certifiably, absolutely and completely HEALED.
"Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him."-(Psalm 127:3)
Both of our children are miraculous. Literally. I do not say that with careless abandon or with levity, but mean to convey the essence of the miraculous is in their births. Quite truthfully, it is miraculous that either of the two were even conceived. Years ago, my beautiful bride was told by a team of Doctors that the reality of her conceiving a child was, at best, a 3 percent possibility. Within a few weeks, our first child was alive and inhabiting temporary residence in the womb "that the builders rejected". Over the course of the next three months, Jeni, who was working for Sir Cameron Macintosh overseas, continued to perform under medical observation and clearance. The day before her 30th birthday, she was startled by bleeding and felt as though she was losing the baby. The Doctor sent her to the nearest hospital and had her put on immediate bed rest, telling her that it was inevitable that she would lose him. Ironically enough, on her 30th birthday, in a city called HELL, Cayman Islands (absolutely true), she laid prayerfully asking for his life. God delivered. She came home and we carried on with a fairly normal pregnancy after that. In the midst of the second trimester, my mother called us. She had a prophetic dream. In the dream, an angel came and told her that we would have a son, and we were to name him Gabriel. We did. Gabriel Jacob Stivale was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma on July 15, 2002.
"But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God."-(Luke 18:16)
Two and a half years after Gabriel was born, as we ministered at another conference, we were approached by a self-proclaimed "Prophetess". I state that she was self-proclaimed because I recognize that God appoints men and women to operate in the office of prophet in these latter days (Joel 2:28), but confirms it by exterior means or signs following. In other words, if someone decides autonomously, without the assignment and the anointing of God that they themselves are a Prophet or Prophetess, their fruit will reveal the truth. The aforementioned lady pulled my wife aside to "give her a word". I should also interject here, the importance of WHO you receive prophetic words from, as in many cases, self-fulfillment follows the confession of a belief. She proceeded to tell my bride, that God was "closing her womb" as He wanted her and I to focus entirely on ministry. This did not fit with what the Holy Spirit had revealed to either of us, so it was unsettling. It troubled Jeni and she was confused as to the intention of imparting something of that sort. It is instances just like this that God uses to further confirm His Word. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world."-(1 John 4:1) The following day, the same lady approached me while I was mid-conversation with my good friend, Dr. Dave Martin and broke into the conversation by saying "I have a Word from the Lord for you." Dave shot me a look of warning, already seeing in the Spirit that she was not necessarily "all there". She then with the weighty seriousness of Samuel began- "The Lord told me to tell you... You are not charging enough for your CD. You need to charge 2 more dollars." Wow. I was so flabbergasted that God would intercede into that matter prophetically, literally jumping over both Jeni and I that I audibly laughed. She smirked at me and walked away as I "thanked her" for her obedience. Jeni then became pregnant with our next child within a few weeks of that event.
As the God of the 3 percent breakthrough operated His miracle-working power through the same womb that bore our first "Might Warrior of God", our next challenge came. You see, whenever God wants to bring tremendous blessing or growth, the enemy attacks with full force. Our next child, a boy, was diagnosed as a high-risk and we were told that there was a very strong likelihood that he would be Down's Syndrome and low birth weight. The Doctors told us that we needed to have an Amniocentesis performed. It is a fairly dangerous procedure where a large syringe pierces the womb and draws a sample of the amniotic fluid to be tested. They insisted on the test as the "responsible thing to do". When we asked why, we were told that the test results would show us whether the child would be retarded or have birth defects. We asked if they could treat anything if the results were unfavorable, they said coldly, "No, but you would be able to abort." We were appalled and answered immediately with "You don't know our God. And furthermore, if this child is special or normal, we will love him unconditionally." The Ob/Gyn told us that we were "stupid" and "irresponsible". We told her that we were faithful, and more importantly that our God was faithful. Negative report after negative report, we stood upon the Word of God, knowing that Jesus was in control, either way, we held fast. As the week of the scheduled C-section approached, our faith was tested heavily. We stood on the Word. The hour of the operation came, and I sat alone waiting for the procedure as Jeni was in pre-op. I prayed a prayer of thanksgiving and asked God to bless this child and order his steps. Minutes later, we welcomed Benjamin Ray Stivale in to his adventure. He was heavier than his older brother at birth, and absolutely perfect. They told us over the course of his testing that he was deaf in his right ear, but we prayed for his wholeness, and when we took him into an Audiologist, they found him to be totally whole and pronounced him as such. God is so incredibly faithful. "God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful."-(1 Corinthians 1:9)
Our faith was tested and strengthened through all of these events. Jesus proves time and time again that we belong to HIM, and He takes care of His children. But throughout the growth of our boys, we have learned through the miraculous and the mild, they have tremendous, inspiring faith in God. We are so blessed to have had them both dedicated by their now, Step-Grandfather, Bob Harrison, and our beloved friends John Bevere and Dr. Myles Munroe. What an awesome God. What a divine impartation and blessing, and what an awesome future that they are called to in His Kingdom. But the environment and teaching of the Holy Spirit has developed in them both faith that rivals the Generals of the Gospel themselves. They are sown in, grafted into the true vine, and they have learned already that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. They know, even at this young and tender age, that God's promises are true, and that FAITH MOVES MOUNTAINS. "For thou, O Lord, art my hope, my trust, O LORD, from my youth. Upon thee I have leaned from my birth; thou art he who took me from my mother's womb. My praise is continually of thee."-(Psalm 71:5-6)
I love their understanding of faith. It is immediate. It is not "instant gratification" but rather "NOW faith". "NOW faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."-(Hebrews 11:1) Our sons have "NOW FAITH". When Benny has an injury or needs prayer, he always completes his prayers (and sometimes amends ours) with "Not tomorrow, not Sunday, but RIGHT NOW. In Jesus' Name". What is impressive is the genuinely immediate action of the Hand of God into these situations. His faith expects "NOW" and God grants it. Gabriel's understanding of the power of faith reaches into his everyday, and it is a direct result of that life-changing experience seeing the immediacy of his healing. That has brought to light in our ministry the same immediacy in Jesus' miracles during His ministry on Earth. There were no indefinite time lapses between the healings themselves and the manifestation. "A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cured of his leprosy."-(Matthew 8:2-3) "Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour."-(Matthew 8:13) "As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. -(Mark 1:42) ""Go," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road."-(Mark 10:52) When we have the faith of a child, it has not been tainted by the qualifications or mystification of the world. It is pure and strong. Our expectation is set upon the immediacy of the manifestation, the truth of God's promises. The Lord Himself teaches us that we must be like children to inherit the Kingdom of God. (Luke 18:17) That most certainly does not mean that we operate as children do, or that we revert in our maturity or development. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me."-(1 Corinthians 13:11) We need to loose the shackles of the world and return to the purity of a child's belief. In that regard, we must not necessarily "think" like a child, but rather "BELIEVE" like one in order to please God and activate His promises. My boys are two of my greatest inspirations and along with my bride, are the proof that there is a God, he loves and believes in me and wants me to be blessed. They are, in spite of their age, two of my greatest examples when it comes to understanding true, unadulterated FAITH.
So, whether you have your own miniature anointed progeny or not, perhaps we must all reflect on the obedience and faith of the boy with the fish and the loaves. Give all we have to the Master willingly and whole-heartedly, so He may bless and multiply it immediately with "NOW FAITH". We are, after all, no matter how young or old, His CHILDREN.
Monday, September 6, 2010
He Touched Me
"A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, "If you are willing, you can make me clean." Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cured."-(Mark 1:40-42)
My heart aches for the untouchable. Those whose state has cast them away from the compassion and loving embrace of others. What terrible distance and ostracism they are involuntarily moved to. What a desperate plight, to be rejected and forgotten. The only reaction that would be of warrant as you entered the presence of those you once reveled with is one of repulsion and disownment. Instead of even the most civil of greetings, you receive instead gasps of disgust and the spitting of curses warning you to keep your distance. They despise you. You are absolutely alone. You are driven only out of necessity to seek exile amongst those who also share your plight. Your new environs are a breeding ground for further decay and a waiting area for inevitable death. You never feel the warmth of another's touch, or a reassuring caress again. How dark the hopelessness must be. But in the presence of JESUS... The most incredible compassionate hands reach out, grasp and embrace those who are no longer received by the world. He does not care for the precepts and unspoken laws of man. His hands, His words and His LOVE heals a ll who receive them. What troubles me about this scenario is that WE are those hands, WE are the earthly carriers of His words and His Love. But, the same vessels who carry the power to heal here on earth, are usually amongst the same crowds who reject the leprous.
I recently encountered a situation where someone very dear to me in the faith called regarding a brother, a mutually close friend, who had fallen into a greatly distressing position whereby sin had taken root and was strangling his anointing and stifling his call in the Kingdom. The news was distressing, and frankly, shocking to say the least. But what troubled me most about this conversation was the immediacy of my dear friend to relinquish his ties with the afflicted. Now, I grant that the mutual friend was in a very ugly situation, and wisdom would suggest that it speaks of one's approval if we behave as though they were not responsible for their actions... But to almost surgically remove them seemed unconscionable. I agreed that professional attachment was not beneficial at this time, but as I listened to the depth of the distance that was being made, I had an ache rise up within me. I heard the Holy Spirit say "Do not run from the Leprous, RUN TO THEM." I did not hide what was shared with me, and I believe that in my disclosing those words, I urged them to hold on to the relationship by at least a thread for now. But after we finished speaking, my spirit-man rose up and I felt the urge to pray. As I prayed, I felt the need to call this mutual friend. Later that day, I did. I did not reach out to them to lambaste them for their idiocy, nor did I feel the call to admonish them to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to those who they were inadvertently hurting through their actions. I simply said- "We Love You".
In spite of the reflection it might have on our character to any misunderstanding spectators, we felt that Jesus wanted us to reach out and speak peace and love. Jesus did not put a priority on people's perception of Him when he was operating during His ministry. He cared more about those who needed help than those who murmured of His breaking the orthodoxy or traditions. We are equipped as believers with the power to bring healing to those who are afflicted. The challenge comes when either party is not willing to give or receive the healing. The argument on the side of sin is usually clouded by the guilt, delusion or pride that is borne of the flesh in seasons of sin. The argument on the side of those of us who are called to be vessels for His grace can be driven by insulated caution or religious misunderstanding. There will always be those who out of fear of moving outside of the socially accepted divides, or out of their creation of an idol which usurps the power of God... Our self-made FENCES. While it is not our responsibility to be the convicting agent in these situations, it IS our responsibility to be the LOVE of CHRIST.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. Believers can be led down a very dangerous path when they take the judgment of others upon their shoulders. While I believe that we are to hold those who have the revelation of the truth to a higher level of expectation, I also believe that we must all watch our own footing. "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"-(1 Corinthians 10:12) Yes, there but for the grace of God go I... It is no exaggeration to say that some of the Lord's most potent Generals have gone in moments from condemnation of a peer caught in an explicit sin, to they themselves being wrung over the coals when found in a compromising position. Remember, when God has put you on assignment, the enemy works with crafty intricacy to throw you off of the track and out of the hunt. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”-(1 Peter 5:8)
So much is released in the Spirit when we walk in obedience to His calling and at all times operating in LOVE. Precious Lord God, keep us from becoming insu lated, religious, traditionalist, orthodox, offended Christians. Help us to become more like the Master, Jesus. who, reaching out to the untouchables and touching with HEALING, made GLORY for Your name. Let us always remember and embrace the lovingkindness of the perfect Savior, who endured the temptations of the flesh, took on our sins that we would be FORGIVEN in the eyes of the Father. The greatest teacher and example of eternity, is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is no way that we can embody His calling for our lives UNLESS WE WALK IN LOVE. Leave the ultimate judgement to the Father, and be consecrated to continue proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of the SON through the working POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.
"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."-(Matthew 6:12-13) It is no coincidence that asking for forgiveness for our missteps is paired with a plea for deliverance from the enemy? God wants us to be ALL He has designed us to be. Perfected through His Blood, and empowered by HIS LOVE. Forgive, Speak Jesus into one another's lives. Speak LOVE and be the LOVE of CHRIST to the unclean, the untouchable, the leprous and discarded souls who NEED JESUS and His healing touch. If that is you today, we encourage you to reach out to the loving and forgiving hand of the King of Kings, and He will make you whole. If you simply need Him to touch your heart right this very moment to give you MORE LOVE, than we agree with you IN THE NAME OF JESUS, that it would be done for you according to your faith and the POWER of His Spirit. Forgiveness is part of His ministry- "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation."-(2 Corinthians 5:18-19) FORGIVE. LOVE. BUILD HIS KINGDOM.
My heart aches for the untouchable. Those whose state has cast them away from the compassion and loving embrace of others. What terrible distance and ostracism they are involuntarily moved to. What a desperate plight, to be rejected and forgotten. The only reaction that would be of warrant as you entered the presence of those you once reveled with is one of repulsion and disownment. Instead of even the most civil of greetings, you receive instead gasps of disgust and the spitting of curses warning you to keep your distance. They despise you. You are absolutely alone. You are driven only out of necessity to seek exile amongst those who also share your plight. Your new environs are a breeding ground for further decay and a waiting area for inevitable death. You never feel the warmth of another's touch, or a reassuring caress again. How dark the hopelessness must be. But in the presence of JESUS... The most incredible compassionate hands reach out, grasp and embrace those who are no longer received by the world. He does not care for the precepts and unspoken laws of man. His hands, His words and His LOVE heals a ll who receive them. What troubles me about this scenario is that WE are those hands, WE are the earthly carriers of His words and His Love. But, the same vessels who carry the power to heal here on earth, are usually amongst the same crowds who reject the leprous.
I recently encountered a situation where someone very dear to me in the faith called regarding a brother, a mutually close friend, who had fallen into a greatly distressing position whereby sin had taken root and was strangling his anointing and stifling his call in the Kingdom. The news was distressing, and frankly, shocking to say the least. But what troubled me most about this conversation was the immediacy of my dear friend to relinquish his ties with the afflicted. Now, I grant that the mutual friend was in a very ugly situation, and wisdom would suggest that it speaks of one's approval if we behave as though they were not responsible for their actions... But to almost surgically remove them seemed unconscionable. I agreed that professional attachment was not beneficial at this time, but as I listened to the depth of the distance that was being made, I had an ache rise up within me. I heard the Holy Spirit say "Do not run from the Leprous, RUN TO THEM." I did not hide what was shared with me, and I believe that in my disclosing those words, I urged them to hold on to the relationship by at least a thread for now. But after we finished speaking, my spirit-man rose up and I felt the urge to pray. As I prayed, I felt the need to call this mutual friend. Later that day, I did. I did not reach out to them to lambaste them for their idiocy, nor did I feel the call to admonish them to take responsibility for their actions and apologize to those who they were inadvertently hurting through their actions. I simply said- "We Love You".
In spite of the reflection it might have on our character to any misunderstanding spectators, we felt that Jesus wanted us to reach out and speak peace and love. Jesus did not put a priority on people's perception of Him when he was operating during His ministry. He cared more about those who needed help than those who murmured of His breaking the orthodoxy or traditions. We are equipped as believers with the power to bring healing to those who are afflicted. The challenge comes when either party is not willing to give or receive the healing. The argument on the side of sin is usually clouded by the guilt, delusion or pride that is borne of the flesh in seasons of sin. The argument on the side of those of us who are called to be vessels for His grace can be driven by insulated caution or religious misunderstanding. There will always be those who out of fear of moving outside of the socially accepted divides, or out of their creation of an idol which usurps the power of God... Our self-made FENCES. While it is not our responsibility to be the convicting agent in these situations, it IS our responsibility to be the LOVE of CHRIST.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sin. Believers can be led down a very dangerous path when they take the judgment of others upon their shoulders. While I believe that we are to hold those who have the revelation of the truth to a higher level of expectation, I also believe that we must all watch our own footing. "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"-(1 Corinthians 10:12) Yes, there but for the grace of God go I... It is no exaggeration to say that some of the Lord's most potent Generals have gone in moments from condemnation of a peer caught in an explicit sin, to they themselves being wrung over the coals when found in a compromising position. Remember, when God has put you on assignment, the enemy works with crafty intricacy to throw you off of the track and out of the hunt. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”-(1 Peter 5:8)
So much is released in the Spirit when we walk in obedience to His calling and at all times operating in LOVE. Precious Lord God, keep us from becoming insu lated, religious, traditionalist, orthodox, offended Christians. Help us to become more like the Master, Jesus. who, reaching out to the untouchables and touching with HEALING, made GLORY for Your name. Let us always remember and embrace the lovingkindness of the perfect Savior, who endured the temptations of the flesh, took on our sins that we would be FORGIVEN in the eyes of the Father. The greatest teacher and example of eternity, is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is no way that we can embody His calling for our lives UNLESS WE WALK IN LOVE. Leave the ultimate judgement to the Father, and be consecrated to continue proclaiming the GOOD NEWS of the SON through the working POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT.
"Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."-(Matthew 6:12-13) It is no coincidence that asking for forgiveness for our missteps is paired with a plea for deliverance from the enemy? God wants us to be ALL He has designed us to be. Perfected through His Blood, and empowered by HIS LOVE. Forgive, Speak Jesus into one another's lives. Speak LOVE and be the LOVE of CHRIST to the unclean, the untouchable, the leprous and discarded souls who NEED JESUS and His healing touch. If that is you today, we encourage you to reach out to the loving and forgiving hand of the King of Kings, and He will make you whole. If you simply need Him to touch your heart right this very moment to give you MORE LOVE, than we agree with you IN THE NAME OF JESUS, that it would be done for you according to your faith and the POWER of His Spirit. Forgiveness is part of His ministry- "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation."-(2 Corinthians 5:18-19) FORGIVE. LOVE. BUILD HIS KINGDOM.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
His Plan: A New Thing
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."-(Isaiah 43:18-19)
New seasons are a glorious indication of God's plans coming to pass. If we were perpetually trapped in one moment, no matter how wonderful it is, it would be a stumbling block for His plans. We would stagnate and become dwarfed versions of our authentic selves. Seasons are necessary in nature to bring about the cyclical changes in the earth and in the design of creation that the Lord intended for our natural flesh to encounter. I believe that there is within all seasons an incredible metaphor of the Father's blueprint for our spiritual growth and maturation. "Life is a collection of Seasons" is a quote that one of my mentors, Bob Harrison frequently teaches on. And so it is... And for each season there is a purpose and a divine timing. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."-(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
There is a singular beauty and necessity found in each moment, each season of our lives. These moments and seasons are the very milestones, markers and substance of the JOURNEY itself. We each have a destiny that is specific to God's intended architectural purpose for our lives. If we are to fulfill ALL He has written for us to attain and complete, we must not stand still. At the appointed times, we, just as the seasons themselves, must move on. There is a currency to the Power and Plans of God that flows as a River- pressing on and churning the waters and surroundings, bringing NEW LIFE. It is up to us to be obedient when He directs us to hold our ground, or to go. As my bride and I reflect on the last 3 and a half years of our lives and the surreal frequency of the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we EMBRACE CHANGE.
Obedience is the key. Although our flesh or our mind will usually be challenged by active change, our spirits remain focused upon the promise of faith. We know the He is Faithful to those who are faithful to Him. “Without faith it is impossible to please God”-(Hebrews 11:6) I recognize the greatest act of faith to be immediate obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience, nevertheless. But direct obedience of the direction of the Holy Spirit, the very direction of God the Father Himself, leads only to supernatural guidance and favor. In other words, when our faith level is such that we believe the promises of God in the powerful scriptures of the Gospel He ACTIVATES HIS POWER through us: "And Jesus answered them, "Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him; Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any one; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."-(Mark 11:22-25) He gives us the desires of our hearts, and when our wills are wrapped up into His, He literally PLACES HIS DESIRE INTO OUR HEARTS.
When the Holy Ghost prompts you to "GO" or to "MOVE"- we urge you- DO SO. Do not delay. If we truly believe Him at His WORD, then we would move at His prompting without question. If He is truly GOD, then we must. When we have covenant relationship with the Holy Spirit through the saving power of Jesus Christ, we will live a life consecrated to Him, DEDICATED to Him. And when we DEDICATE anything unto the Lord, He takes ownership of it. When He becomes LORD over our lives He is responsible for us. He is a loving and faithful GOD. We truly DO TRUST in HIM. When He urges us, we know to obey. "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left."-(Isaiah 30:21) He will not only guide you, but He will also strengthen you as well. With true faith in the Lord's promises we gain access to receive the blessings of obedience. "I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built."-(Luke 6:46)
So, as we step out in Faith at the direction of the Holy Spirit, and go boldly out onto the waters, we reach out to HIM. And this very day, which represents the first day of our launching out officially, GOD MOVED. There has been no gap between His provision. This morning we received a MASSIVE blessing that will indubitably strengthen His plans for our life together with incredible, uncommon FAVOR. The Favor of the Lord has fallen upon His obedient servants, who are entirely grateful. We LOVE the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. We worship Him with all of our spirit. He is a truly faithful Father who is our provider indeed.
Today, in your reading of this humbled man's awe of God's faithfulness to His obedient ones, we pray you find encouragement. Stay strong in the Lord, and the Power of His might. We encourage you to stand upon His Word. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."-(Philippians 1:6) Stepping out of the boat is a daunting act in our minds and bodies, but when our SPIRIT MAN is under the direct cover of God through immediate obedience, NOTHING CAN STOP HIS PLAN. It may take some "taxing" to get you to your Bethlehem, but when you get there God is going to give you your promise. He WILL see it through. He is not making this up as He goes... He has a perfect plan. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-(Jeremiah 29:11) Trust in the Lord.
New seasons are a glorious indication of God's plans coming to pass. If we were perpetually trapped in one moment, no matter how wonderful it is, it would be a stumbling block for His plans. We would stagnate and become dwarfed versions of our authentic selves. Seasons are necessary in nature to bring about the cyclical changes in the earth and in the design of creation that the Lord intended for our natural flesh to encounter. I believe that there is within all seasons an incredible metaphor of the Father's blueprint for our spiritual growth and maturation. "Life is a collection of Seasons" is a quote that one of my mentors, Bob Harrison frequently teaches on. And so it is... And for each season there is a purpose and a divine timing. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace."-(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
There is a singular beauty and necessity found in each moment, each season of our lives. These moments and seasons are the very milestones, markers and substance of the JOURNEY itself. We each have a destiny that is specific to God's intended architectural purpose for our lives. If we are to fulfill ALL He has written for us to attain and complete, we must not stand still. At the appointed times, we, just as the seasons themselves, must move on. There is a currency to the Power and Plans of God that flows as a River- pressing on and churning the waters and surroundings, bringing NEW LIFE. It is up to us to be obedient when He directs us to hold our ground, or to go. As my bride and I reflect on the last 3 and a half years of our lives and the surreal frequency of the move of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we EMBRACE CHANGE.
Obedience is the key. Although our flesh or our mind will usually be challenged by active change, our spirits remain focused upon the promise of faith. We know the He is Faithful to those who are faithful to Him. “Without faith it is impossible to please God”-(Hebrews 11:6) I recognize the greatest act of faith to be immediate obedience. Delayed obedience is disobedience, nevertheless. But direct obedience of the direction of the Holy Spirit, the very direction of God the Father Himself, leads only to supernatural guidance and favor. In other words, when our faith level is such that we believe the promises of God in the powerful scriptures of the Gospel He ACTIVATES HIS POWER through us: "And Jesus answered them, "Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, `Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him; Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any one; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."-(Mark 11:22-25) He gives us the desires of our hearts, and when our wills are wrapped up into His, He literally PLACES HIS DESIRE INTO OUR HEARTS.
When the Holy Ghost prompts you to "GO" or to "MOVE"- we urge you- DO SO. Do not delay. If we truly believe Him at His WORD, then we would move at His prompting without question. If He is truly GOD, then we must. When we have covenant relationship with the Holy Spirit through the saving power of Jesus Christ, we will live a life consecrated to Him, DEDICATED to Him. And when we DEDICATE anything unto the Lord, He takes ownership of it. When He becomes LORD over our lives He is responsible for us. He is a loving and faithful GOD. We truly DO TRUST in HIM. When He urges us, we know to obey. "Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left."-(Isaiah 30:21) He will not only guide you, but He will also strengthen you as well. With true faith in the Lord's promises we gain access to receive the blessings of obedience. "I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built."-(Luke 6:46)
So, as we step out in Faith at the direction of the Holy Spirit, and go boldly out onto the waters, we reach out to HIM. And this very day, which represents the first day of our launching out officially, GOD MOVED. There has been no gap between His provision. This morning we received a MASSIVE blessing that will indubitably strengthen His plans for our life together with incredible, uncommon FAVOR. The Favor of the Lord has fallen upon His obedient servants, who are entirely grateful. We LOVE the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul. We worship Him with all of our spirit. He is a truly faithful Father who is our provider indeed.
Today, in your reading of this humbled man's awe of God's faithfulness to His obedient ones, we pray you find encouragement. Stay strong in the Lord, and the Power of His might. We encourage you to stand upon His Word. "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."-(Philippians 1:6) Stepping out of the boat is a daunting act in our minds and bodies, but when our SPIRIT MAN is under the direct cover of God through immediate obedience, NOTHING CAN STOP HIS PLAN. It may take some "taxing" to get you to your Bethlehem, but when you get there God is going to give you your promise. He WILL see it through. He is not making this up as He goes... He has a perfect plan. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-(Jeremiah 29:11) Trust in the Lord.
plans desire,
stepping out
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